NUS Giving's first webinar series on investing during the COVID-19 pandemic


To engage with our audience at home, NUS Giving presents its first webinar series and kicking off the first sharing session is Ms Joanne Lai, Advisory Group Partner from the ACTS Advisory Group – IPPFA, on investing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The good news is that every time there is a virus, there is always a recovery,” shared key speaker, Ms Lai.

An NUS Faculty of Science alumna with more than 14 years of experience in the Wealth Management Industry, Ms Lai also serves as an Associate Financial Educator and Accredited Financial Counsellor.

In the engaging webinar, Ms Lai shared her expertise in financial planning and covered a range of compelling topics related to financial investments.

Despite the uncertainties in the near-term global economic outlook, Ms Lai reassured the audience that financial investments are still worth pursuing as the global economy will recover again in the long term.


“When you look at the overall market behaviour cycles, there will always be ups and downs,” she elaborated. 

To further illustrate her argument, Ms Lai provided a historical look into past Black Swan events and related the learnings from these events to the current context and climate of the COVID-19 crisis. In particular, Ms Lai shared insights on the climate-related risks and opportunities during this challenging time so that the audience better understands and are empowered to make more informed financial investment decisions.

After an insightful sharing on the topic, Ms Lai gave the audience the floor and answered some of their questions, including what to do if one has over-invested or is over-leveraged during this crisis. Ms Lai’s advice for individuals facing this issue is to reduce risk by reassessing current income, expenses and budgeting plans. She also encourages seeking help from Credit Counselling Singapore if required to overcome this tough period.

For further information on the NUS Giving Webinar Series, contact the Events team at