At an NUS Giving Experience, two experts shared ways one can add joy, zest, magic and sparkle to their lives.


“When something sparks joy, it will make you feel happy, joyful, inspired or motivated. You will feel a little thrill on the inside,” shared Ms Amanda Ling, founder of Align Origins Holistic Wellness.

To start the year with a little levity and laughter, two experts were brought together during the NUS Giving Experience: Masterclass Series titled Laugh and Spark Joy to share ways one can add joy, zest, magic and sparkle to their lives.  

“Before you start tidying, imagine your ideal lifestyle and space. Ask yourself what keeps you happy? Then, start with the intention to create your ideal environment. Keep what sparks joy and chuck the rest,” Ms Ling elaborated.


More than just reorganising and decluttering, the process of tidying can help clear one’s mind and make a huge difference on happiness and productivity. It is also a commitment made to let go of the things that no longer serves you, with a feeling of appreciation, and to take better care of the things that are still in your life.

“This feeling of appreciation then, leads to an attitude of gratitude,” added Ms Ling.

A practical folding session ensued as Ms Ling demonstrated the iconic KonMari folding technique to the guests present. The folding technique keeps garments upright to save more space, helps with organisation and is a key part of the KonMari process. 


Another form of joy, more literally, is laughter. It lifts our spirits and makes us feel happy. The act of laughing itself, even if it is not in reaction to something funny, makes one feel good immediately.

There are many powerful benefits of laughing. Laughter lowers blood pressure and improves one’s cardiovascular, respiratory and immune system, explained Ms Zaibun Siraj, trainer and motivational speaker. Laughing also increases oxygen consumption, decreases stress and relieves pain.

Breaking into a series of ‘hahaha’s and ‘hohoho’s while striking humorous poses for the crowd, Ms Siraj showed how one can reap the benefits of simple laughing exercises – three hearty laughs in the morning, roaring chuckles with a friend and a celebratory chortle as you raise your hands to an imaginary toast. 


The room erupted once again with Ms Siraj’s boisterous laughter as she showed the guests how it is to be done.

“Make the most of today and live everyday with gusto,” urged Ms Siraj.

With the intensity of modern life’s challenges and the impact of living through a global pandemic, Ms Siraj’s advice was indeed timely and relevant.

“Fight any kind of negative thoughts, accept the changes that have happened and adapt to the changes around you. Because sometimes, change is good. Change brings with it many advantages. See the good in every change and look towards the happy and beautiful aspects of life,” concluded Ms Siraj.

For further information on the NUS Giving Experience Series, contact the Events team at