Duke-NUS Medical School stands as a beacon of medical advancement in Singapore, consistently pushing the boundaries of scientific understanding and transforming healthcare through pioneering research.

From breakthroughs in cancer research to innovative approaches to vaccine development, the impact of Duke-NUS is evident in its remarkable achievements. However, behind every discovery lies a crucial driving force: the unwavering support of philanthropic individuals and organisations.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Disease at Duke-NUS

At the forefront of medical research, Duke-NUS is tackling some of the most pressing health challenges of our time. These dedicated scientists are engaged in a wide range of groundbreaking research areas, from unravelling the complexities of cancer to developing innovative treatments for kidney disease and exploring the potential of vaccines to combat various diseases.

One exciting recent development comes from the Cancer and Stem Cell Biology (CSCB) programme, where researchers have discovered a key protein, WWP2, that plays a critical role in kidney disease. This breakthrough opens new avenues for developing targeted therapies that could revolutionise treatment for patients suffering from this debilitating condition.

Duke-NUS is also at the forefront of cancer research, with multiple breakthroughs emerging from their laboratories. Scientists have identified a surprising link between the Zika vaccine and its potential to combat brain cancer, offering a glimmer of hope in the fight against this devastating disease. Additionally, researchers have uncovered a crucial connection between cholesterol synthesis and cancer progression, paving the way for novel therapeutic approaches.

Philanthropy’s Role in Advancing Healthcare Innovation and Initiatives

The unwavering commitment to innovation at Duke-NUS is evident in their relentless pursuit of solutions to global health challenges. The GK Goh Centre for Neuroscience, established within Duke-NUS, is actively decoding the ageing brain, aiming to develop interventions that promote healthy longevity and improve the quality of life for older adults. The Centre was established in 2023 through a gift by the family of Mr GK Goh, Founder and Executive Chairman of investment firm GK Goh Holdings – reflecting the direct, tangible impact of philanthropic gifts on research and innovation within Duke-NUS.

Duke-NUS’ impact extends beyond Singapore’s borders. The development of a potential nasal COVID-19 vaccine candidate that offers better and longer protection demonstrates the scientists’ dedication to global health and their ability to respond swiftly to emerging threats.

These groundbreaking discoveries wouldn’t be possible without the invaluable support of philanthropy. Generous contributions from individuals and organisations enable Duke-NUS to fund research, conduct clinical drug trials and invest in cutting-edge technologies.

For example, the Diana Koh Foundation’s recent gift has empowered the next generation of cancer researchers, ensuring that the fight against this devastating disease continues with renewed vigour. The gift to Duke-NUS and NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine provides funding support for research fellows and junior clinicians as well as supports community outreach and publicity efforts for cancer research advancement. As existing funding opportunities are limited in their scope and access, this gift provides a welcome bridge for scientists and clinicians pursuing groundbreaking research. The gift also holds significant sentimental value as the late Diana Koh passed from cancer, making her estate’s contribution to cancer research even more meaningful.

How You Can Make a Difference

Through NUS Giving, you can play a vital role in supporting the life-changing work at Duke-NUS. Your generosity can help fund research projects, provide scholarships for aspiring medical professionals and advance healthcare initiatives in Singapore and beyond. Every contribution, whether through annual giving or a dedicated gift, brings us closer to a future where diseases are conquered and lives are transformed.

Partnering with Duke-NUS for a Healthier Future

Duke-NUS’ commitment to excellence in medical research is unwavering. With the community’s continued support, this institution will undoubtedly continue to lead the charge in transforming healthcare and improving lives.

By choosing to support Duke-NUS through NUS Giving, you are not just making a gift to the University; you are investing in a brighter, healthier future for generations to come. Your generosity today will shape the medical breakthroughs of tomorrow. Join the movement and make a lasting impact on the world.