The Collectve Advisors’ Bursary is a “trampoline” for NUS students to bounce to greater heights.

20201209_cts__3cy886616bf144d225f4360a5f2515eaf6cd7b1.jpgThe Collectve Advisors team (featured above). The founders purposefully named the agency Collective without an “i”, because they believe that it is always about the team over the individual.


Driven by the belief that “no one should be left behind due to their family's financial issues”, NUS alumnus and co-founder of Collectve Advisors, Mr Gabriel Leong (’08), set up a bursary at his alma mater to help financially needy students.

 “We hope that the Collectve Bursary can serve as a trampoline for well-deserving students to bounce up into a great future,” shared Mr Leong.

At the heart of it, helping students is about compassion, one of Collectve Advisors’ core values. The agency also hopes that the Bursary will help to encourage and inculcate a strong giving culture within the organisation.

“Collectve is built around compassionate collaboration. Giving back as a group gives our associates the opportunity and platform to contribute through scale,” elaborated Mr Leong.

Collectve Advisors is a financial consultancy co-founded by Mr Leong in 2019. The founders purposefully named the agency Collective without an “i”, because they believe that it is always about the team over the individual. As Mr Leong puts it: “The relationships with our clients are the bedrock of our work and that is also exactly why we dropped the “i” in Collective.”

Priding itself as an inclusive agency, Collectve Advisors does not want anyone to forgo their dreams because of financial worries. The Collectve Bursary is the leg-up for financially disadvantaged students who need a boost to bring their dreams to life. “We hope our bursary can help one more person get the education he or she deserves,” Mr Leong said.

In today’s society, education is a transformative force that shapes future generations. Mr Leong concurs: “I have always been a strong proponent of education. Aside from pure academic achievements, getting a good all-rounded education is also an enabler in transforming a person's life. During this COVID-19 pandemic, we feel that there are even more young adults who need the financial support.”

Having benefitted from a transformative NUS experience, Mr Leong’s wish is that others can receive the same quality education that he had.

The NUS Computing Graduate shared: “Even though I did not pursue the specialisation that I majored in for my career, the lessons I learnt were truly transformative and greatly broadened my perspectives. I want to help empower more of my juniors and enable them to also enjoy the same life-changing opportunities that I had at NUS.”

“I hope that students who benefit from our Bursary will be future leaders in their chosen fields and contribute in their own ways towards a shaping a better tomorrow,” Mr Leong concluded.