NUS President Prof Tan Eng Chye (first on left) receiving the cheque from Yeo Keng Joon (first on right), the Dinner’s Organising Chairman and NUS Alumni Student Advancement Committee (ASAC) member. With them in the photo are Mr Edi Fung, Vice President (Development) (second from left); Mr Seah Cheng San, ASAC Chairman (centre); Mr Johnny Tan Khoon Hui, ASAC Co-Chairman.

The annual Celebration of Love and Giving Dinner, held on 16 February 2024 at the National University of Singapore (NUS), was a testament to the power of alumni giving and fundraising. The event, organised by the NUS Campus Couples Alumni Group supported by the Alumni Student Advancement Committee (ASAC) and NUS Development Office, highlighted the profound impact made possible through the generosity of alumni couples.

A Legacy of Love and Education

Mr Chua Hung Meng (Business ’81) and his late wife, Ms Yeo Miu Ean (Business ’85), shared a love story that began with a chance encounter and blossomed into a lifelong commitment to helping others.

Understanding the financial challenges faced by many students, they dedicated their time to volunteering, a passion they passed on to their children. After Ms Yeo's passing, the family contributed to the NUS Business School Alumni (NUSBSA) Bursary Fund, setting up the NUSBSA - Yeo Mui Ean Bursary in her honour. The Bursary allows financially needy students to gain valuable international experience through student exchange programmes. Mr Chua's generosity extends further with plans to create the Meng and Ean Bursary, ensuring their legacy of giving continues to benefit future generations of NUS students and support social mobility through education.

At the event, Mr Chua Hung Meng shared his love story with his late wife, Ms Yeo Miu Ean, and how their mutual appreciation for education led him to establish bursaries at NUS.

Alumni Couples Unite to Support NUS Students

The Celebration of Love and Giving Dinner brought together 230 guests, all united in their desire to give back to the NUS community. The event, held in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, celebrated the collective efforts of alumni couples who have made significant contributions to NUS Giving, the University’s philanthropic arm. Through their generosity, these couples have raised over S$677,250 this year alone, with a portion of the proceeds directed towards the NUS Campus Couples Bursary and other bursaries at NUS.

Since its inception in 2015, the NUS Campus Couples Bursary has raised over S$874,827 and helped 158 financially needy NUS students.

During the dinner, guests enjoyed a performance by The Jazzlings, Singapore’s largest youth jazz collective founded by NUS students and alumni. The special occasion was marked by a cheque presentation by Mr Yeo Keng Joon (Business ’85), the dinner’s organising chairman and ASAC member, to NUS President Professor Tan Eng Chye (Science ’85).

Nurturing Young Talent Through Philanthropy in Singapore

Mr Yeo and his wife, Madam Kong Yuet Peng (Business ’86), met while they were undergraduate students at the University and later pursued their MBA degrees at the NUS Business School. The couple established the NUS Campus Couples Bursary to give back to the NUS community, having both benefitted from financial aid during their education.

Among the attendees was a recent NUS graduate, Mr Indra Putra Kamsan (Engineering ’23), a recipient of bursaries during his time at the University. Mr Kamsan shared how the financial aid he received was a lifeline that enabled him to focus on his studies. After his parents separated when he was young, his father struggled to provide for him and his siblings.

“When I was accepted into NUS, my excitement was dampened by the daunting reality of tuition fees and transportation costs on top of daily expenses,” he shared.


Mr Indra Putra Kamsan recalling how the bursaries were a much-needed lifeline for him.

Mr Indra’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of education and the profound impact that collective generosity can have on individual lives and their families.

“With this financial support, I could focus on my studies and fully immerse myself in the rich university experience. Now, with a stable job, I am closer to achieving my goals of supporting my family and providing a comfortable home for my father, thanks to the support I received from the NUS community,” he shared.

The Heart of NUS Giving

The Celebration of Love and Giving Dinner is more than just an event; it is a symbol of the strong bond between NUS alumni and their commitment to nurturing a vibrant culture of philanthropy in Singapore. It is a reminder that when we come together, we can make a real difference in the lives of others.

To learn more about how you can contribute, please visit NUS Giving.