NUS Giving Forum - Women’s Matters: Nurturing her Health and Wealth for Retirement

Jun 13, 2019

A roomful of guests got together and had a good laugh at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Greater Good Forum (GGF) titled GGF – Women’s Matters: Nurturing her Health

A roomful of guests got together and had a good laugh at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Greater Good Forum (GGF) titled GGF – Women’s Matters: Nurturing her Health and Wealth for Retirement.

“Laugh your way to good health” was just one of many pieces of advice that Ms Zaibun Siraj, motivational speaker and author of critically-acclaimed books on management and happiness, dished out heartily for women to stay happy and healthy.

With all the challenges that women facing retirement encounter today, Ms Siraj’s advice was indeed timely and relevant.

Ms Christine Wong, senior financial advisor at Calibre Advisory, a group of financial planners representing Great Eastern Life, shared some sobering truths, “With a higher life expectancy, retirement planning for women has to be comprehensive, taking into consideration many factors. For example, studies have shown that women tend to remain sick for longer in their elderly years. Many tend to be primary caregivers in the family.”


Guests participating in a positivity exercise. 

With ladies generally being conservative investors, Ms Wong asked the largely female audience:

“Who will live longer? You or your piggybank?”

With these truths in mind, Ms Wong provided practical advice on appropriate financial planning for retiring women today.

Shedding light on the modern women’s health issues was Professor Chia Kee Seng, the Founding Dean of the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health.

Jokingly, Prof Chia remarked that the biological downhill slide starts from birth.

“The only thing that goes up is your risk of diseases!” he spoke humorously.


Prof Chia sharing his knowledge 

But unfortunately, poor health is no laughing matter and Professor Chia’s recommendation was for all to accept the inevitable and develop strategies for it, such as being physically active, mentally engaged and emotionally positive. Health screenings are also crucial as we grow older.

(from left) Ms Zaibun Siraj, Ms Christine Wong and Prof Chia Kee Seng. 

  “Most importantly, we must change the mindset of the next generation. We must teach them to value health over wealth,” Prof Chia added.

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