Our Values
As students in this great institution called ‘The World’ we continually seek not only knowledge, but truth, wisdom and experience. We seek both to achieve for ourselves, as well as for society that has nourished us. An intelligent curiosity marks us as students and as Kent Ridgeans; it will lead us to a higher standard or learning, achievement and personal development never realized before.
The sweetest victory come not overnight, neither does it come as a breeze. It comes rather, in the striving for greater heights and higher ideals, against the pressure and stress that life inevitably holds. It is in straining both the mind and the body to their utmost limit that endurance, courage, persistence, patience and grit are born; such are the qualities that will enable us in later years to face the greater challenge of life outside hall.
Excellence in all our pursuits is the natural result of the continual seeking and striving in life. As the premier hall, excellence is the cornerstone of our tradition and heritage. The desire to excel in all things motivates us to give only the best of ourselves so as to achieve and realize the highest goals and aspirations in life. Yet even as we ‘Seek, Strive and Excel’ to become the premier hall on campus, we seek to serve those around us.