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Southeast Asia Friendship Initiative

South East Asia Friendship Initiative Semester 1 AY2023-24

Last semester, Kent Ridge Hall launched its Southeast Asia Friendship Initiative (SFI) to Thailand (Course code: SFI2034)!! 

KR Residents embarked on an unforgettable journey to Phuket 🏝️☀️ and Bangkok ✨, diving into the Sustainable Development Goals, 💡 brainstorming innovative solutions 💡 to the challenges and opportunities they encountered!

And of course, we indulged in the vibrant food bazaars, had tons of fun, and created cherished memories together!! 💃🏻🕺🏻🤪

Exploring Thailand: A Transformative SFI Journey

Embarking on the Southeast Asia Friendship Initiative (SFI) trip to Thailand in December 2023 was more than just a journey; it was a transformative experience that broadened perspectives, deepened cultural understanding, and emphasised the importance of sustainable development and innovation. The trip, organized by NUS Kent Ridge Hall took participants through the vibrant landscapes of Phuket and Bangkok, offering a rich tapestry of experiences that left a lasting impact on all involved.


Phuket: Immersion in Nature and Culture

The adventure began in Phuket, where participants had the opportunity to engage with the local community and immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the region. One of the highlights was the visit to the soft coral and sea cucumber hatchery at Saphan-hin, where participants gained insights into marine conservation efforts and the delicate balance of ecosystems in the region. Participants went for snorkelling at the Patong Beach to see the soft coral, which is part of the research effort by professors at the Faculty of Technology and Environment, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus.

Another memorable experience was a day spent at the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary, offering a unique opportunity to understand the conservation challenges faced by these majestic creatures and the importance of ethical tourism practices. The day concluded with a visit to Phuket Old Town, where the group immersed themselves in the rich history and culture of the area, followed by a warm welcome dinner.


Bangkok: Entrepreneurship and Cultural Exploration

After an enriching experience in Phuket, the journey continued to Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand, where participants delved into the vibrant culture and innovation & entrepreneurial spirit of the city. One of the highlights was a visit to Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, where participants were introduced to the rich culture of the university and engaged in cultural immersion activities, such as Thai traditional dance, Mindfulness-based Art Therapy, etc. while deepening their understanding of Thai culture.

Another memorable experience was a visit to the Chulalongkorn University Innovation Hub, Faculty of Engineering and School of Integrated Innovation, where participants gained insights into Thailand's startup ecosystem, hearing inspiring stories by the startup founders. This was followed by a Startup 101 Simulation Workshop, offering practical lessons in entrepreneurship and innovation.


Reflections and Takeaways

The SFI trip to Thailand was a journey of enlightenment, challenging assumptions, and broadening perspectives. Participants gained a deeper understanding of sustainable development, cultural sensitivity, and the importance of community empowerment. The trip underscored the need for mindful travel and highlighted the impact of individual actions on the environment and local communities.

The testimonials from participants reflect the transformative nature of the journey, with many expressing gratitude for the unique experiences and insights gained. The trip not only offered a glimpse into Thailand's rich culture and biodiversity but also sparked conversations about entrepreneurship, innovation, and the role of individuals in creating a sustainable future.



“My cultural and experiential learning journey to Bangkok and Phuket has been an eye-opening and fruitful experience, that underscored the complex dynamics of conservation and sustainable development in the different communities. Exploring start-up methodologies, pitching, and ideation, and learning from local start-ups provided valuable insights into the Thai start-up ecosystem. The trip has not only ingrained invaluable memories with great people and communities I met along the way, but also opened my eyes to the harsh realities outside of the Singapore bubble, and the importance of safeguarding our environment and achieving the sustainable development goals, to secure the future for generations to come.”

--Leeroy Liu, Y4


“The unique opportunity of learning about marine life first-hand by visiting Baan Mai Khao’s Kobia farm led to a pivotal realization: it is possible to achieve capitalistic gains while concurrently safeguarding the environment. Beyond this, a salient takeaway is the allure of entrepreneurial opportunities in Thailand for Singaporean entrepreneurs and investors. SFI2034 serves as a tangible example of this collaboration by immersing NUS students in Thailand's startup culture, catalyzing entrepreneurial thinking and offering opportunities to consider solutions that may enhance Thailand's community.”

--Siew Shui Hon, Y2


“Experiencing the fish farms, sandcrabs and elephant sanctuary. These are not the usual kinds of experiences i would usually go for when I travel to Thailand. But it turned out to be very eye-opening and enriching experience where I was able to learn about what they do and even their hidden struggles.”

--Ariana, Y2

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