Student Organisations Directory

Hone your entrepreneurial skills, or make an impact in the community, while making new friends. 

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Maximise your potential and be all you can be outside classroom. Whether it is culture, music, research, adventure or something else that you seek, a thriving, vibrant community of student organisations await you.

AcademicGroups supportive of the mission of a particular academic department
ArtsAllow students with interest in the arts such as fine arts, performing arts, and media arts to continue their artistic pursuits
Community Service/Social CausesGroups focussed on and interested in volunteerism and social causes
CulturalProvide support for students of various ethnic backgrounds and for all to participate and learn about cultures different from their own
Faith-basedProvide opportunities for student of all faiths to practice and explore
Health/WellnessGroups focussed on and interested in the health and well-being of their peers
NUSSU and ClubsStudent legislative body in NUS comprising NUSSU Executive Committee (EXCO), 11 Faculty and 4 non-Faculty Clubs to promote, uphold and safeguard students' interests and welfare
Residential LifeGroups focussed on on-campus living programmes
SpecialistsGroups focussed on niche and specialised area of interests such as peer-to-peer facilitation, investments and public-speaking
Sports & Adventure LearningGroups that offer sports and adventure learning activities
Technology/ComputingGroups harnessing applied sciences in today’s digital world

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