What is NUS Cares?

Launched in 2016, the NUS Day of Service is a day when the whole NUS family comes together to give back to the community through action and service. The community activities are organised by alumni, students and staff in partnership with various voluntary and welfare organisations in Singapore and overseas. 

In 2022, the NUS Day of Service is being rebranded to NUS Cares, signifying its revolution from a single-day to a year-long movement. 


What is the purpose of the NUS Cares?

The NUS Cares is an opportunity for the NUS Community to come together to do something beneficial for the wider community. It is our hope that this little step will help to catalyse many other activities, not only on this one day, but all year round. At the same time, we believe that this effort will bring our NUS Community closer together as we strive for a better and more caring society.

Who can participate?

NUS alumni, students and staff are invited to Champion or Participate in activities, together with their family and friends. Please check the details of each activity as the participation numbers and target audience differ.


Will NUS provide funding to Champions?

The NUS Cares movement was conceived by volunteers and all activities are organised by volunteers. In line with the spirit of service and giving, all activities should be self-funded by the Champions and/or volunteers, or through donations sourced by the Champions.