
Going Beyond Compassion

Read more about our volunteers’ greatest moments and be inspired to do your part for your community too!
Day of Service at SWAMI Home
Day of Service at SWAMI Home
Members from NUS Alumni Sing-Along provided entertainment to the nursing home residents with their engaging and interactive sing-along entertainment.
NUS Cares Appreciation and Engagement Gathering
NUS Cares Appreciation and Engagement Gathering
Students, staff and alumni across different NUS communities came together to celebrate and recognise the contributions made towards the #NUSCares movement on 7 November 2024 at the Shaw Foundation Alumni House 🎉👏. NUS is grateful for impressive accomplishments and valuable contributions made in supporting social causes throughout the year ❤️. Joining the occasion were Mr Ho Junyi, Chairperson, NUS Cares Steering Committee and Professor Peter Ho, NUS Vice Provost (Undergraduate Studies & Tech-Enhanced Learning) who addressed the next phase of NUS Cares to come in 2025. Many thanks 🙏 for being part of this journey. To view 👀the full gallery, visit
Seeds of Good Programme: Build-a-Bridge
Seeds of Good Programme: Build-a-Bridge
The Seeds of Good Programme reached out to the migrant worker community through our community partners to gather photographs and poems from the migrant workers that they want to showcase. Subsequently, we selected 12 of the best artworks to display in an online exhibition as part of the ExxonMobil Campus Concerts (a prestigious online art exhibition presented by CFA) in January 2022.
L.E.G.O Week: Day of Service
L.E.G.O Week: Day of Service
Student volunteers from the NUS Students' Science Club and migrant workers went on an excursion to Gardens By The Bay, to bond with and understand each other better through fun activities and friendly interactions.
Y Outing with Residents from Blue Cross Thong Keng Home
Y Outing with Residents from Blue Cross Thong Keng Home
On this NUS Day of Service, volunteers from the University-YMCA National University of Singapore (Uni-Y NUS) joined this on-going monthly programme that provided residents from Blue Cross Thong Keng Home with the opportunities to participate in a range of indoor and outdoor activities, and excursions to places of interest. The programme helps them to improve their self-confidence, interpersonal skills, and acquire life skills.
Care and Share at Ling Kwang Home
Care and Share at Ling Kwang Home
NUS Alumni Sing-Along - Packing and delivering of gift packs to residents of Ling Kwang Home (4 and 5 Sep)
NUS BIZAlum keeping East Coast Park clean and green
NUS BIZAlum keeping East Coast Park clean and green
BIZAlum organised a NUS Cares Day on 3 September 2022 to clean up the East Coast beaches. NUS BIZ community; alumni, students, colleagues and friends from other faculties were busy keeping Singapore clean and green! Everyone wanted to give back to society and to meet together for a common goal, which is to make the activity both fun and fulfilling. Even the weather was in sync with our spirit, it was wonderfully bright and sunny that day. Singapore's otters were out and about watching us busy with the job on hand!
MEM Alumni Beach Clean Up
MEM Alumni Beach Clean Up
As part of NUS Cares Day 2022, the NUS Master of Science in Environmental Management (MEM) Alumni Group organised a beach clean-up event at Pasir Ris Park on 3 Sept. In addition to picking up rubbish, we examined the presence of microplastics to raise the awareness on this issue with the participants.
Public Health Screening 2022
Public Health Screening 2022
Public Health Service (PHS) is an annual health screening project organised by the NUS Medical Society that aims to promote health awareness amongst Singapore’s public. PHS was initiated in 2004 under the NUS Medical Society by a small but passionate group of medical students. From humble beginnings as a simple screening event with only 4 modalities, PHS has grown and matured tremendously to become one of the largest and most comprehensive student-led public health screenings in Singapore. Our flagship health screening is held free of charge and has 3 main components: Health Education, Health Screening and Follow-Up. The annual health screening was held from 20 Aug 2022 (Saturday) to 21 Aug 2022 (Sunday) in Jurong East, at the Canopy @ J-Link. This year, we served over 1000 Singaporeans and Permanent residents and reached out to more than 35,000 people in the community through door-to-door and on-site education. Our event also engaged hundreds of volunteers serving in the community, including passionate student volunteers from various healthcare institutions and healthcare workers.
Serving with Love 3 - Coastal Cleanup @ Sembawang Beach
Serving with Love 3 - Coastal Cleanup @ Sembawang Beach
NUS Food Science & Technology Programme alumni and students gathered to do their part for the environment by helping to clean up Sembawang Beach.
NUS Alumni Manila Visits the National Children’s Hospital
NUS Alumni Manila Visits the National Children’s Hospital
NUS Alumni Manila visited the National Children’s Hospital, where they donated three 2000W speakers with microphones to be used for children’s gatherings, numerous health information lectures, and related administrative activities and events of the hospital initiated by the various hospital units. The NCH was selected as a project beneficiary given the chapter’s continuing focus on NUS Cares initiatives on institutions supporting indigent Filipino children. The 250-bed NCH is a special training, and tertiary level IV hospital located in Quezon City. Being a government-run hospital, funding is quite limited and mostly provided for operations. Other requirements, such as minor medical equipment and related tools for efficient services, were sourced from the private sector and non-profit organizations. The hospital has an average of 200 paediatric patients including 175 medical and administrative staff. After the formal turnover, the management of the NCH gave a tour of the hospital premises. This opened our eyes to the reality that the hospital needs more funding support from the private sector.
Raffles Hall Volunteers at the Sree Narayana Mission Home for the Aged Sick
Raffles Hall Volunteers at the Sree Narayana Mission Home for the Aged Sick
Raffles Volunteer Corps brought smiles to the residents of the Sree Narayana Mission Home for the Aged Sick, by engaging them in an arts and craft session and entertaining them with performances in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.
Planting Seeds of Sustainability at City Sprouts
Planting Seeds of Sustainability at City Sprouts
15 November 2024 saw 60 staff from NUS' Centre for Future-ready Graduates come together for an afternoon of volunteering and learning at City Sprouts. City Sprouts, a social enterprise dedicated to urban and community farming, aims to empower individuals with the knowledge to drive positive changes towards a sustainable world through interacting with nature. Staff first enjoyed a farm tour, exploring various farm stations such as traditional and hydroponic farms, compost recycling, chicken coops, and sensory gardens. This was followed by a "Farm to Table" experience, where the group worked together to harvest fresh ingredients from the farm to prepare Vietnamese rice rolls. The day wrapped up with hands-on gardening tasks, where staff worked together to engage in weeding, pruning, composting, and cleaning of equipment, all contributing to City Sprout's ongoing work in promoting sustainability awareness and efforts. We were heartened to learn that City Sprouts will use the fees charged from this activity to help support educational lessons for beneficiaries like seniors and people with disabilities as part of their collaborations with organisations such as NTUC Health, TOUCH Community Services, and REACH. The volunteering event at City Sprouts not only strengthened the bond between CFG colleagues but provided an opportunity for staff to contribute to a meaningful wider community initiative.
NUS Engineering Partners with SGAssist
NUS Engineering Partners with SGAssist
Partnering with SGAssist, a social enterprise that aims to effect social impact through technology, 37 volunteers from NUS Engineering were able to give back to the community at their own time with their preferred choice of volunteering. Efforts include meal distributions, tutoring children from low-income families, and accompanying the elderly to medical appointments.
Mini Sports Day with Children from Salvation Army Haven
Mini Sports Day with Children from Salvation Army Haven
Children from Salvation Army Haven (Pasir Panjang) visited Eusoff Hall for a mini sports day event where they were engaged in a variety of sports and games.
Babes Charity Concert
Babes Charity Concert
A charity fair and concert with performances by Freda Lim, Maia Lee, Christiane Mikaela and Gwendolyn Thong to support Babes, a helping hand for pregnant teens. All proceeds from the event went towards helping Babes in their work of helping pregnant teens rebuild a life for themselves and their babies.
SADeaf by RC4lunteers
SADeaf by RC4lunteers
RC4lunteers conducted a sign language workshop to provide RC4 residents with a platform to learn about sign language and the deaf community.
Meal Distribution by NUS Agility Network
Meal Distribution by NUS Agility Network
Members from the NUS Agility Network, which is a Community of Practice comprising NUS staff currently and formerly from the NUS Agility Office, partnered with TOUCH Community Service for their Meals-on-Wheels meal delivery programme. 38 volunteers from the Agility Network, including Deputy President (Administration), Mr Clarence Ti, delivered a total of 225 meals to seniors on the 20th and the 27th of September 2023. The volunteers were assigned the Bishan and Ang Mo Kio area and traveled from block to block to deliver the meals to needy seniors. Volunteers were heartened to see the smiles of appreciative seniors when they delivered their meals. Many seniors also engaged in warm conversation with the volunteers when they delivered their meals.
NUS Day of Service at Chestnut Nature Park
NUS Day of Service at Chestnut Nature Park
About 40 members of the public joined 28 Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) and other NUS friends to plant 101 trees. The RVRC family bonded over the hard work - the soil was thin and the changkul often struck big rocks that were abandoned from previous human use. The team planted several legume trees, in hope that these would improve soil conditions over time. These include familiar species such as the Petai Tree (Parkia speciosa) which produces the stink beans as well as the Changi Tree (Sindora wallichi ). One more step towards restoring our forests!
Complimentary Health Screening for the Unsung Campus Heros
Complimentary Health Screening for the Unsung Campus Heros
Bringing general healthcare services to our unsung campus heroes, University Health Centre (UHC) opened its doors on Saturday, 3 September to bus drivers, cleaners, and landscapers, providing free basic health screening to approximately 20 participants. Through this initiative, UHC intends to make their health our concern, and hopes to raise awareness on the importance of regular screening and maintaining an active lifestyle. Knowing the status of one’s health is important in taking the appropriate measures, and when a disease or condition is discovered through screening, one is able to receive early proper treatment and prevent further complications.
NUS Day of Service at Chestnut Nature Park
NUS Day of Service at Chestnut Nature Park
The 81-ha Chestnut Nature Park is the largest nature park in Singapore and an important green buffer for the Central Catchment Nature Reserve. Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) is part of Friend of Chestnut Nature Park and volunteers planted trees to restore the forest habitat.
NUS Biodiversity Clean-Up at Pasir Ris Beach
NUS Biodiversity Clean-Up at Pasir Ris Beach
As the organiser of the beach clean-up event at Pasir Ris Beach, hosted by NUS Biodiversity, I couldn't be prouder of the collective effort and dedication exhibited by our participants and facilitators. It was an inspiring display of commitment to the environment and local biodiversity conservation. With 34 enthusiastic participants and four facilitators on board, we embarked on our mission to rid Pasir Ris Beach of marine litter. The objectives of our organisation align perfectly with the essence of such activities: conservation, education, and protection of local biodiversity and habitats. Events like these are vital in fostering environmental stewardship and raising awareness about the impact of marine debris on our ecosystems. The event surpassed all expectations, as we managed to collect a staggering 452kg of marine litter in just 1.5 hours of cleaning. It was heartening to witness everyone working tirelessly, united by a common goal. Every plastic bottle, every piece of Styrofoam, and every fishing net removed from the beach represented a step forward in safeguarding our precious marine life and ecosystems. However, as we wrapped up the clean-up, it became evident that our work was far from over. Despite the substantial amount of litter removed, there were still areas that required attention. The sight served as a sobering reminder of the ongoing battle against marine pollution and the need for sustained efforts in environmental conservation. Reflecting on the success of the event, I am filled with gratitude towards all those who contributed their time and energy. Their enthusiasm and dedication have reaffirmed my belief in the power of collective action and community engagement in tackling environmental challenges. As we bid farewell to Pasir Ris Beach, I am already looking forward to returning for future clean-up efforts. This event was just one of several that our cell conducts regularly; the others include citizen science efforts and nature guided walks. These are a part of our commitment to preserving local biodiversity and habitats in Singapore. Conservation begins with understanding, and events like these serve as poignant reminders of the destruction that our local ecosystems face, as well as the difference that we can make when we come together for a common cause.
Community Service Conversations
Community Service Conversations
This project involved Undergraduate Dentistry Students working together with the Toa Payoh East Zone 6 Residents Network to primarily raise Oral Health Literacy rates amongst the elderly residents in the community and thus reduce the risk incidence of dental caries and their associated oral and systemic pathologies. In preparation for the home visits, we had a short sharing session by Dr Vijayan (an Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Dentistry who volunteers and works closely with the Residents’ Committee) and Mr Ali (Chairman of the Toa Payoh East Zone 6 Residents Network), where they shared insights on the ways students can serve and how we may go about doing them effectively. Following this, we conducted the house visits on 9 July 2022 and prepared a slew of Oral Health Instructions/Education materials targeted at teaching the residents strategies on how to manage their Oral Health condition. This also included sharing on proper toothbrushing techniques and increasing awareness on simple dental products (interdental brushes, floss,) the residents can use on a daily basis. This was done in line with our chief intent- to mitigate against the risk of dental-related health issues through educating the wider community. On the day itself, we managed to visit 12 homes and administered Oral Health Education/Instructions to some 25 residents.
Raffles Hall @ Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen
Raffles Hall @ Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen
It was a very meaningful time for the alumnus from Raffles Hall as we braved through the Covid-19 pandemic uncertainties and made it to Willing Hearts during the NUS Day of Service. This year we decided to support our Singapore community kitchen with food preparations for its beneficiaries. The Willing Hearts soup kitchen prepares, cooks and distributes about 10,000 daily meals to over 70 locations island-wide, 365 days a year. Our alumnus of ages 20s, 50s and 60s were thankful that we managed spend the 4 hours each cleaning and chopping vegetables for its kitchen. Our strong men also helped with the receipt of boxes of produce and wheeled them into the large refrigerators which can hold over 20 persons! Led by Leonard Tan and Ng Kian Seng, our weeks of planning culminated in a successful and worthy service for the needy our community. We are thankful to have been able to join our NUS community in service to our larger society.
Learning Journey at Foreword Coffee
Learning Journey at Foreword Coffee
Participants, including NUS Deputy President (Research & Technology) Professor Chen Tsuhan and NUS Alumni Advisory Board member Dr Intan Azura Mokhtar (Science '98) learnt how to make coffee from the cafe's differently-abled baristas
Welfare to Buddhist Monasteries in Mingaladon Township, Yangon
Welfare to Buddhist Monasteries in Mingaladon Township, Yangon
NUS Myanmar Alumni - Donation of food and essential items to Buddhist Monasteries in Mingaladon Township, Yangon (5 Sep)
Tree Planting @ Kranji Coastal Nature Park with NUS Toddycats
Tree Planting @ Kranji Coastal Nature Park with NUS Toddycats
On a bright and sunny 3 September 2022 morning, 30 volunteers planted 60 trees as part of their goal to restore and enhance the precious wetlands at Kranji Coastal Nature Park that make up Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve. We were joined by NUS President, Prof Tan Eng Chye (Science ’85), NUS Alumni Relations Director, Mr Bernard Toh (Architecture ’84), NUS Cares Chairperson, Mr Ho Junyi (Law and Public Policy ’11). Since November 2020, NUS Toddycats and Friends have been working to support NParks in establishing a coastal forest at Kranji Coastal Nature Park, within the Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve. This involves digging the grounds to receive the trees, preparing the soil mixtures to be added, topping up the planted holes with leaf litter, watering the trees, and undertaking sapling protection action to remove competing vegetation as well as adding supporting structures to give the newly-planted trees a higher chance of survival. Thanks to the close partnership with the NParks team at Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve, we are able to do this every fortnight and see the site mature. We were glad to be able to conduct a session on NUS Cares day but the work continues. Do join us. Visit our blog for details and registration links
Visit to a NGO, Goonj
Visit to a NGO, Goonj
Alumni from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public of Policy India Alumni Chapter visited Goonj, a NGO in New Delhi, and donated clothes, household items and dry rations to help the flood victims in Bihar and Assam in India.
Mental Health Champions Day
Mental Health Champions Day
This activity aimed to promote mental health awareness to our community. Volunteers learned about the mental health situation in Singapore, provided company to patients at the Institute of Mental Health and engaged them with games.
Random Acts of Kindness
Random Acts of Kindness
Volunteers from NUS Alumni Auckland Chapter distributed cookies, jellies and foodstuffs to disadvantaged communities in Auckland, and bought pizzas for Emergency staff at a children's hospital.
Man Fut Tong Welfare Society
Man Fut Tong Welfare Society
NUS Faculty of Engineering and Engineering Alumni Singapore - Volunteering at Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen and Man Fut Tong Welfare Society (5 Sep)
Monastery Donations in Yangon
Monastery Donations in Yangon
Volunteers from NUS Alumni Yangon Circle visited the Buddhist Nuns Monasteries located in Mingaladon Township, Yangon, to donate food and essential items.
Moon Fest 2019
Moon Fest 2019
In collaboration with the Social & Leisure Club of the Autism Resource Centre (Singapore), Moon Fest brought to life stories, facts and traditions regarding the Moon to autistic youths through storytelling, music, dance and mooncake-making.
Bin Right!
Bin Right!
Recycling bins are often contaminated because of non-recyclable items such as dirty food containers. Volunteers from Bachelor of Environmental Studies Alumni, Master of Science (Environmental Management) Alumni and NUS Office of Environmental Sustainability helped spread awareness on the proper use of recycling bins at City Square Mall, Singapore’s first Eco-Mall.
Gia Bac at Viet Nam - Sharing the love to Ethnic Children
Gia Bac at Viet Nam - Sharing the love to Ethnic Children
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Vietnam Alumni Chapter volunteers visited the villagers at Gia Bac (a mountainous village at Central Highland of Vietnam) with stationery and rice for needy local kids.
CFG Distributes Meals to Needy Seniors
CFG Distributes Meals to Needy Seniors
In collaboration with TOUCH Community Services, the Centre for Future-ready Graduates (CFG) delivered 235 dinner bento sets to needy seniors on 18 Jul 2022 via the “Meals on Wheels” initiative. CFG staff were split into 3 zones across Singapore, namely Toa Payoh, Bukit Batok and Jurong, and travelled from home to home, mostly by foot, to deliver meals to home-bound seniors unable to buy or prepare their own food. Volunteers were touched by the sincere smiles and heartfelt gratitude from the seniors, with many volunteers and seniors engaging in warm conversations. Through the course of the day, CFG staff also had the opportunity to bond closer with one another, and were inspired to continue to look for opportunities, whether in small or big ways, to give back to the wider community.
Distribution of Breakfast to Construction Workers
Distribution of Breakfast to Construction Workers
Volunteers from College of Alice & Peter Tan (CAPT) packed and brought breakfast to the workers at the construction sites near the College.
Science Show-and-Tell at Science Centre Singapore
Science Show-and-Tell at Science Centre Singapore
NUS Young Educators in Science (YES) conducted a show-and-tell of some 20 science demonstrations to visitors of Science Centre Singapore. Sharing what has been developed at the NUS Science Demonstration Lab (Faculty of Science), these undergraduates from YES get to infect the public with their own joy of science learning!
NUS Alumni Yangon at Hnin Si Gone Home for Aged
NUS Alumni Yangon at Hnin Si Gone Home for Aged
As part of the NUS CARES movement 2022, NUS Alumni Yangon made food and monetary donation to 119 elderly people in the Hnin Si Gone Home for Aged located at Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Yangon, Myanmar. The donation amount to 1,300,000 Kyats (SGD$650).
LKYSPP Alumni Singapore Chapter: Outreach at Concern & Care Society
LKYSPP Alumni Singapore Chapter: Outreach at Concern & Care Society
Over 60 alumni and students from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Alumni Singapore Chapter went out in force to the Concern & Care Society where they joined over 50 elderly residents in their morning exercise, and distributed grocery bags filled with donated food, drinks and other essential food items.
Pathlight Beneficiary Engagement
Pathlight Beneficiary Engagement
As with previous years, Dentistry collaborated with Pathlight School which caters to students on the autism spectrum and related conditions. As we are blessed with the opportunity to be trained as dental professionals, we wish to use this privilege to serve others. 65 of us went down to Pathlight School to conduct an oral hygiene workshop with the students to teach them basic oral hygiene and proper tooth brushing techniques. In preparation for this engagement session, we had a training session by therapists from Pathlight School to teach us how to interact with the children and how to effectively deliver the workshop. The training session by the therapists also increased our volunteers’ understanding of the daily struggles of children with special needs through simulative hands-on activities. We also invited Dr Hu Shijia, a paediatric dentist from our faculty to give a training workshop for our volunteers on how to teach the toothbrushing techniques and oral hygiene to the Pathlight children. The training workshops equipped our students with both the soft skills and technical knowledge to deliver the workshop. On the day of the workshop, our volunteers enjoyed interacting with the Pathlight School kids, who are bright and unique individuals. For classes who were fast in learning the toothbrushing technique and oral hygiene, we even carried out a Zumba activity with them. We are immensely grateful to the faculty and Pathlight School for helping us and making this engagement session possible!
Sustainability @ Tampines Park
Sustainability @ Tampines Park
Volunteers from NUS Office of Alumni Relations (OAR) spent an eventful morning cleaning workstations and handling black soldier fly larvae to upcycle food waste from nearby schools and residents.
MakeFest 2018 - Active Ageing for Elderly
MakeFest 2018 - Active Ageing for Elderly
Young tech savvy volunteers from the NUS Students' Union (NUSSU) at this technology event taught seniors how to use their smartphones; and helped them to practise what they have learnt through a series of games.
International Coast Cleanup Singapore
International Coast Cleanup Singapore
NUS staff, students, alumni and volunteers from the NUS Office of Human Resources and College of Alice & Peter Tan did their bit for the environment by cleaning up the Tanah Merah Coastline, including NUS Deputy President of Administration, Mr Don Yeo and former Director of the NUS Office of Alumni Relations, Associate Professor Victor R Savage. A total of 923kg of waste was collected, categorised, recorded and removed! “Every small act of giving back to society helps. Through NUS’ Day of Service, I feel that I’ve made a small difference to the community I live in.” -- Khadar Shareef Akbar (Engineering ’16)
Mangrove Clean-up with EVBig
Mangrove Clean-up with EVBig
NUS President Professor Tan Eng Chye (Science ’85), NUS Alumni Relations Director Mr Bernard Toh (Architecture '84) and volunteers from the Environmental Biology Interest Group, Life Sciences Society kicked-off the day at the Sungei Pandan mangrove for a cleanup, and collected 59 garbage bags of trash weighing 214 kilogrammes.
Ridge View Residential College Community Day
Ridge View Residential College Community Day
Ridge View Residential College, in collaboration with the Central Community Development Council, visited the Institute of Mental Health to bring smiles to the long-stay patients through interactive games, handcraft activities, sing-along session, special bento lunch and birthday celebration.
Day at Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum
Day at Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum
Staff from NUS Office of Human Resources spent an afternoon with clients of Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore at the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum.
Hour of Code
Hour of Code
Members of the Computing Alumni Association introduced basics of computer science to beneficiaries at the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS).
NUS College Alumni Food Drive
NUS College Alumni Food Drive
In the spirit of giving, NUS College partnered with Food Bank Singapore to organise a year-end Food Drive. The lovely idea was seeded by our alumna, Gabriel May Moe Kyaw (Life Sciences + NUSC [USP] ’23), who is also an NUSC Class Ambassador. Students, staff and alumni came together to donate food items to those in need. A total of 110kg of food donations were collected, including rice, milo, canned foods and much more to our beneficiaries. It was a meaningful way of spreading festive joy to the wider community in Singapore.
NUS Sikh Society Langar Day
NUS Sikh Society Langar Day
Langar - a free communal kitchen. Langar provides for everyone in need of food, regardless of their class, social standing, religion or gender. This event would provide the opportunity to serve anyone by distributing vegetarian food and educating them briefly about the importance of Langar in Sikhism. This would give students and staff the chance to experience and try Punjabi food. The food will be prepared in a Sikh temple (Gurdwara) and delivered to NUS for students/staff to enjoy. Langar will be provided by Silat Road Sikh Gurdwara, under the Central Sikh Gurdwara Board. Information boards regarding the practice of Langar and the basics of Sikhism will also be placed at the booth, to allow people deeper understanding behind the rationale of this event.
Contemporary Dance Workshop with Elderly
Contemporary Dance Workshop with Elderly
Students from the NUS Dance Synergy spent time with the elderly and shared with them the joy and benefits of contemporary dance.
Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration
Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration
In celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival, volunteers from Eusoff Hall spent an evening playing games, having dinner and chit-chatting with elderly beneficiaries in Chinatown.
Visitation and Sharing of Blessings At The Philippine General Hospital
Visitation and Sharing of Blessings At The Philippine General Hospital
Volunteers from NUS Alumni Manila Chapter will visit Ward 9 Department of Pediatrics of the Philippine General Hospital (PGH) to donate essential medical equipment and supplies needed by the infant, children, and adolescent patients.
Kayak Reservoir Clean-Up
Kayak Reservoir Clean-Up
Volunteers from the National University of Singapore Students' Union (NUSSU) cleaned litter hotspots in the waterways on kayaks and by wading in the water. They weighed the litter retrieved, and reviewed and discussed what can be done collectively for a healthier planet.
Father’s Day Afternoon Tea
Father’s Day Afternoon Tea
Alumni from the NUS Alumni Melbourne Chapter gathered in support of The Alfred Father’s Day Appeal and the Winter Shelter. At the tea, guest speakers shared on the plights of the homeless in Melbourne and what can be done to help them, as well as educated alumni on healthy ageing.
Food from the Heart
Food from the Heart
Members of the NUS community showed their community spirit by volunteering at various neighourhoods around the island, packing and distributing food packs to needy families. Many of the volunteers were happy and proud to serve under the NUS umbrella! “This event has shown the spirit of volunteerism in us. We will want to participate in many more of such initiatives, to give back to society” – Mr Dixon Tioh (Computing ’14), Raffles Hall Association alumnus “The NUS Day of Service was a meaningful event. It was great to see the camaraderie among the participants. Personally, it was an important reminder to be grateful for what I have as well as to share resources. It was worth waking up early on a Saturday morning for this!” – Ms Maureen Oliveiro, staff at the NUS Office of Alumni Relations
Family day at Dover Park Hospice Day Care Centre
Family day at Dover Park Hospice Day Care Centre
The NUS Society (NUSS) invited low-income families and their loved ones suffering from end-stage diseases for a family day out at the Dover Park Hospice Day Care Centre. Activities include: • Family portrait photo taking. • Soap making. • An essential oils booth. • Two game booths. The patients and families were given a bento lunch box and a care kit bag to bring back home.
The Silent Thief of Sight, Glaucoma
The Silent Thief of Sight, Glaucoma
This health education roadshow aimed to promote awareness on the importance of eye screening for good vision health, and to encourage greater social support for those suffering from glaucoma. Attendees were also introduced to a free Augmented Reality (AR) game, EyeCU, which helped them to learn more about glaucoma in an interesting and engaging manner.
With the sponsorship from Central Singapore CDC's Purple Outing Fund and NUS Community Service Club (CSC), MINDSville@Napiri brought 35 beneficiaries with intellectual disabilities on a day trip to Singapore Zoo. Many of the beneficiaries have not visited the zoo for years, and it was a day filled with excitement, awe and lots of fun, accompanied by 40 NUS volunteers.
Food Donation & Distribution Drive with Food from the Heart
Food Donation & Distribution Drive with Food from the Heart
The NUS Office of Housing Services partnered with Food from the Heart, whose mission is to reach out to the less fortunate and brighten their lives by alleviating hunger through a food distribution programme.
Digital Maker Workshop
Digital Maker Workshop
Volunteers introduced youths from the Autism Resource Centre Social and Leisure Club to coding and making of the micro:bit, and taught them how to programme and create their projects.
 Delivering meals via TOUCH Comunity Services' Meals-on-Wheels Programme
 Delivering meals via TOUCH Comunity Services' Meals-on-Wheels Programme
NUS Senior Alumni - Delivering meals via TOUCH Comunity Services' Meals-on-Wheels Programme (5 Sep)
Gardening @ Kampung Senang
Gardening @ Kampung Senang
Volunteers from NUS Senior Alumni contributed their efforts to gardening and packing 250 giveaway bags for beneficiaries at Kampung Senang Charity & Education Foundation
Helping Needy Families
Helping Needy Families
University Campus Infrastructure partnered with South West Community Development Council to provide, pack and distribute food packs to needy households within the neighborhood.
Action for Singapore Dogs
Action for Singapore Dogs
National University of Singapore Students’ Union (NUSSU) members and volunteers visited Action for Singapore Dogs (ASD) to show some tender loving care to the dogs at the ASD Adoption Rescue Centre, and were inspired by the ASD volunteers’ dedication towards caring for stray and abandoned dogs in Singapore.
The People's Kitchen
The People's Kitchen
OHR engaged two families with autistic children to prepare 120 delicious homemade lunches, which were then sold to staff over two weeks. Dishes included bee hoon, rice, fish balls and vegetables, accompanied with chili belachan and fried dried prawn. As this new programme develops, OHR hopes to engage more families to provide a wider range of tasty home recipes to share with hungry staff.
UHC Push4ACause
UHC Push4ACause
September & October 2023 - The University Health Centre (UHC) held the “UHCPush4ACause” push-up challenge from September 1-31 2023. The challenge was campus-wide so both individuals and groups participated. 63 UHC staff joined the challenge by completing an outstanding 13,455 push-ups and helped to raise $3000 towards Sunshine Welfare Action Mission (SWAMI) Home. Funds were used to purchase daily necessities for vulnerable seniors residing at SWAMI. Concluding the challenge, a small group of UHC staff spent a meaningful morning at the Home on 20 October to present the donations-in-kind, served the elderly residents catered food, and interacted with them. It was a heart-warming sharing session for everyone. (from L to R): Ms Fiona How (Associate Director, UHC), Mr Ker Boon Han (Assistant Manager, UHC), Dr Tan Tong Nam, Patrick (Director, University Health Centre), Mr Chian Phiang Nam (Executive Director, SWAMI Home), Ms Pow Lay Kuan (Director, Blossom Seeds), Ms Tok Yan Shuang (Manager, SWAMI Home), Madam Tan Ai Suan (Assistant Nursing Director, SWAMI Home)
NUS Alumni Singalong Celebrates International Day of Older Persons at Martha Active Ageing Centre
NUS Alumni Singalong Celebrates International Day of Older Persons at Martha Active Ageing Centre
On 11 October 2024, in celebration of the International Day of Older Persons, Martha Active Ageing Centre (AAC) in Hougang hosted an event for approximately 120 members and residents. The centre, whose mission is H.I.P. (Healthy, Independent, and Purposeful), organised this event to promote active ageing within the community. The NUS Alumni Singalong group, under the NUS Cares programme, contributed significantly to the programme, offering three entertaining segments: 1. Ukulele Singalong 2. "ACT Against SCAM" song presentation 3. A Magic Show The event brought together the community to celebrate and support seniors and serve to recruit more residents to sign up as members of Martha Active Ageing Centre.
NUS Alumni Overseas Chapter Manila Visits Don Bosco Pugad Center
NUS Alumni Overseas Chapter Manila Visits Don Bosco Pugad Center
Manila, 16 December 2023 – The National University of Singapore (NUS) Alumni Overseas Chapter Manila visited the Don Bosco Pugad Center at St John Bosco Parish, Makati City, Philippines as part of its NUS Cares activities. The term 'Pugad' translates to nest, symbolising a refuge or shelter. The chapter tends to focus its support on Filipino children who have less in life, and this year’s beneficiary is no exception. Don Bosco Pugad Center is an institution that welcomes underprivileged youth from various provinces in the Philippines. It provides spiritual formation, educational activities (including vocational technology courses like automotive, electrical, and ref/air-conditioning), livelihood workshops, sports, and educational field trips. These holistic activities empower the youth to rise from poverty and become dignified, productive agents of change in their families and local communities. The chapter surveyed the immediate and/or urgent needs of the centre, where Fr. Patrick Villasanta SDB, Pugad Center Director, requested new fitness equipment to replace the broken and worn-out equipment in its activity center. The chapter donated two stationary bikes, one table tennis and football table each, two dumbbell sets, and four table tennis rackets with six balls. These items were received by Ms. Issa Manigbas, Program Coordinator and Social Worker at Pugad, and Bro. Antonio Caspellan, SDB. The total cost for the fitness equipment amounted to PhP 33,000 (about SGD 791), which were the proceeds collected by the chapter during its Christmas Party earlier this month. After the formal turnover, the management of the Pugad Don Bosco gave a tour of the centre premises to the chapter representatives present.
Spring Cleaning of Homes of Our Vulnerable Elderly
Spring Cleaning of Homes of Our Vulnerable Elderly
Due to immobility or disabilities, our vulnerable elderly may have trouble keeping their homes clear from clutter and hazards. Some of these homes were treated to a spring cleaning by volunteers from King Edward VII Hall, to improve their safety and sanitation.
Marine Underwater Cleanup
Marine Underwater Cleanup
Volunteer divers participanted in this cleanup by diving around Lazarus Island to collect and document trash in our waters. The data collected will contribute to global efforts to combat marine debris.
Reforesting Kent Ridge with NUS Toddycats
Reforesting Kent Ridge with NUS Toddycats
84 passionate volunteers planted 100 trees for Reforesting Kent Ridge on 29 June 2024 as part of the movement #OneMillionTreesSG, #NUSCares. NUS alumni are welcome to join future tree planting sessions. Sign up with @nustoddycats ( This is in collaboration with NUS UCI as part of the Campus in a Tropical Rainforest, a strategic programme of NUS' Campus Sustainability Roadmap.
Eventful Clean-up @ East Coast Beach
Eventful Clean-up @ East Coast Beach
Enthusiastic volunteers from College of Alice & Peter Tan (CAPT) headed to East Coast Beach for a thorough clean-up along the coastlines.
Soap for Hope
Soap for Hope
Students from the College of Alice & Peter Tan and volunteers worked together to reconstitute used bar soaps from hotels, which were distributed to migrant workers in Singapore.
FASS Day with Club Rainbow
FASS Day with Club Rainbow
Children from Club Rainbow and their families went on a fun-filled excursion to Gardens by the Bay, and visited Flower Dome & Cloud Forest, accompanied by alumni, students and staff from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and NUS Economics Alumni.
Grocery Shopping with Beneficiaries from Yong En Care Centre
Grocery Shopping with Beneficiaries from Yong En Care Centre
The National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) Community Care Sub-Committee, members and staff brought 40 participants from Yong En Care Centre on a grocery shopping trip to Giant Hypermart at Suntec City Shopping Mall.
UCI Caring Initiative
UCI Caring Initiative
Through this caring initiative, volunteers from the University Campus Infrastructure (UCI) reached out to disadvantaged residents living in the rental blocks at Taman Jurong estate with activities such as grocery distribution, home improvement and a terrarium workshop.
LKYSPP Alumni Thailand Chapter: Charity Visit to Orphanage - Phayathai Babies' Home
LKYSPP Alumni Thailand Chapter: Charity Visit to Orphanage - Phayathai Babies' Home
Alumni from LKYSPP Thailand Chapter visited the orphanage located in the Nonthaburi province. Besides a cash donation, alumni also brought with them useful home supplies, as well as food and clothes for babies and toddlers. These donations will benefit around 150 babies at the orphange.
UCI Caring Initiative
UCI Caring Initiative
University Campus Infrastructure (UCI) volunteers spent time with elderly from SilverACE during their visit to NUS campus for fun-filled activities and workshops.
Cleanup at See Sar Yeik Old Age Care Center
Cleanup at See Sar Yeik Old Age Care Center
Alumni in Yangon visited and spent time with the elderly at the Center and helped to clean the premises.
Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen
Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen
NUS Provost Professor Ho Teck Hua (Engineering ’85) and DOS Chairman Mr Jeremy Ee (Engineering '05) joined volunteers from Tembusu College to prepare food for distribution to needy families.
CAPT Kamal - Weekly Mentorship
CAPT Kamal - Weekly Mentorship
A mentorship programme with 38 Normal Technical students from Queensway Secondary School. 17 Members of the project act as Mentors, serving as a positive adult role model for the students and giving them perspectives to education and life. CAPT Kamal adds value to the mentorship programme by providing an opportunity for the students to interact and engage with an overseas community (Dream School Foundation), to empower the students to do more and see more.
Meal Distribution with The Giving Collective
Meal Distribution with The Giving Collective
Partnering with The Giving Collective, volunteers from NUS Overseas College (NOC) distributed hot meals and bread to beneficiaries under the care of the Lions Befrienders at Bukit Merah.
Makan With Seniors
Makan With Seniors
Co-organised by NUS Overseas Colleges Alumni, Bold At Work and Loving Hearts, volunteers interacted with the seniors over lunch.
Chinese Studies Alumni @ Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen
Chinese Studies Alumni @ Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen
On 11 Sept 2020, we, alumni of Chinese Studies, went to Willing Hearts to prepare food for needy people. As what we did in 2019, we spent the entire afternoon (4 hours) in the kitchen. Together with other volunteers, we helped the staff in preparing food ingredients (e.g. cracking thousands of eggs, opening canned beans, etc ) and packing dinner for community.
TCM Talk - How To Prolong Your Vision Health
TCM Talk - How To Prolong Your Vision Health
Dr Wu Yajun (NUSMed Alumni), a certified TCM Physician with more than 10 years of TCM clinical experinces, educated attendees on how to prolong their vision health, including exercises that can help.
Ridge View Residential College Warehouse Packing @ Food Bank Singapore
Ridge View Residential College Warehouse Packing @ Food Bank Singapore
As part of the RVN1000 field trip component, various groups of students from Ridge View Residential College gathered at the Food Bank Singapore to pack and sort food donations for Food Bank Singapore's participating beneficiaries on 17,18, 24 and 26 Jan, and 19 Feb 2022.
Beach Cleanup @ ECP with BizAlum
Beach Cleanup @ ECP with BizAlum
NUS Day of Service led by NUS BIZAlum team, with alumni, students and friends will clean out flotsam washed up along the beaches at East Coast Park.
CFG Giving Waste Packaging a Second Lease of Life
CFG Giving Waste Packaging a Second Lease of Life
Product packaging constitutes a significant proportion of waste generated in Singapore each year. In support of NUS' commitment to achieving a zero-waste future, the Centre for Future-ready Graduates (CFG) team partnered with the local circular packaging initiative Package Pals on 24 November 2023 to give waste packaging a second lease of life. Together, CFG members cleaned and sorted nearly 600 donated pieces of used packaging, getting them clean and ready for reuse by businesses. This sorting process encompassed eight categories, including large and small poly mailers, padded and paper envelopes, clear plastic wrappers, and bubble wraps. Through the course of the activity, CFG staff contributed meaningfully and made a positive impact on the local community. The CFG team also fostered greater team camaraderie and connection, building a shared sense of purpose towards a sustainable and responsible future.
 FST Day of Service 2021
FST Day of Service 2021
The annual FST Day of Service takes place today (4 Sept 2021). FST was working together with NUSS, and reach out to the Children from Children’s Wishing Well. We host an educational tour for 15 children for them to understand what is Food Science and Technology. There were few stations set-up to introduce flavour science, Food processing, Sensory evaluation, Food Fermentation, Nutrition and Health. They were given opportunity to create food flavour, product tasting and evaluate the difference, learning various types of food dehydration methods, identify the shape of bacteria under microscopes, assessment of body composition and understand weight management. It was a fun-filled and enrichment workshop for the children. Thanks to all volunteers from NUSS , FST students and staff!
Musical Performance at Hospital
Musical Performance at Hospital
Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (YSTCM) volunteers brought cheer and encouragement to patients at the National University Hospital with their singing and musical performances.
Bright Smiles for Everyone
Bright Smiles for Everyone
Staff, alumni and students from the Faculty of Dentistry conducted dental health education and oral health screening for our cleaning community who helps maintain our facilities.
Ridge View Residential College Walk for Rice
Ridge View Residential College Walk for Rice
As part of RVRC's annual community service effort, 100 volunteers came together to organise self-directed walks to raise rice for the community under the Northwest Community Development Council. Every 300m walked gives a needy family 1 bowl of white rice, 1 bowl of brown rice and 1 bowl of cereal. The walks were organised over the months of December 2020 and January 2021.
Grocery Shopping with Underprivileged Families
Grocery Shopping with Underprivileged Families
Beneficiaries from MacPherson Constituency were invited to go grocery shopping with volunteers comprising National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) members and staff, as well as NUS students and staff. Each family was given up to $60 to purchase groceries, and received goodie bags kindly sponsored by Giant Hypermarket.
A Shared Effort @ Kampung Senang Charity & Education Foundation
A Shared Effort @ Kampung Senang Charity & Education Foundation
11 members from NUS Senior Alumni and 14 NUS Alumni Relations staff took different shifts to assist with the packing and transporting of 300 welfare packs, for distribution to beneficiaries of the Kampung Senang Charity & Education Foundation.
Sing-Along @ Ling Kwang Home
Sing-Along @ Ling Kwang Home
NUS Alumni Sing-Along treated the residents to a dim sum breakfast, and entertained and engaged them with popular sing-along songs.
Delivery of Groceries to Aljunied Crescent
Delivery of Groceries to Aljunied Crescent
The NUS Society (NUSS) delivering groceries to underprivileged families living in rental units in Aljunied Crescent (19 Sep)
NUS Red Cross Youth Chapter volunteers were at various locations across Singapore, where they interacted with children, the elderly, and physically- and intellectually-disabled. Activities organised included a performance by NUS Harmonica Orchestra at Lions Befrienders Ang Mo Kio Senior Activity Centre followed by a grocery shopping trip with the elderly; tuition for children from the Prison Fellowship Programme followed by a trip to the S.E.A. Aquarium; and an outing to Singapore Science Centre with beneficiaries from Association for Persons with Special Needs for an omni theatre experience.
Soup Kitchen
Soup Kitchen
Volunteers from NUS Office of Human Resources helped to prepare, cook and distribute meals to beneficiaries including the elderly, the disabled, and low-income families.
EV Big Mangrove Cleanup
EV Big Mangrove Cleanup
Through picking up trash along Sungei Pandan mangroves and collecting data on the types of trash found, student volunteers from the Life Sciences Society, Environmental Biology Interest Group helped to enhance our mangroves and contributed to marine trash research. A total of 180kg of trash was collected!
Beach Clean-up @ East Coast Park
Beach Clean-up @ East Coast Park
Volunteers from NUS BIZAlum all geared up as they dedicated hours to cleaning up East Coast Park.
Pawlunteer Day with PGPR
Pawlunteer Day with PGPR
In collaboration with Animal Lovers League (ALL), a registered charity and home to over 500 dogs and cats, volunteers from Prince George's Park Residences (PGPR) gave their services to vagrant strays and rescued animals.
Grocery Shopping with the Elderlyx
Grocery Shopping with the Elderlyx
40 elderly beneficiaries from the Lion Befrienders: Bendemeer Senior Activity Centre enjoyed a morning of grocery shopping with 34 volunteers comprising NUSS members, and staff from the National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) and NUS. Each of the elderly beneficiaries was given up to $60 to purchase groceries, and a goodie bag. “It was a worthy way to spend a Saturday morning, doing something to make it a great day for a needy person.” – NUSS Member, Dr Loh Hong Sai
Appreciation for UTown Cleaners
Appreciation for UTown Cleaners
University Scholars Programme (USP) Admin, in collaboration with USP interest group Makan Circles, organised a lunch and prepared welfare packs for the UTown cleaners in appreciation of their service.
Dignity Kitchen: One Day As a Hawker
Dignity Kitchen: One Day As a Hawker
This programme provided volunteers with the opportunity to learn cooking of hawker food from the disabled. Through this, volunteers from Raffles Hall experienced the difficulties faced by the disabled and learned to treat them with more respect and dignity. A group of elderly was invited to enjoy the food prepared.
Beyond Social Services: Of Whales and Dinosaurs
Beyond Social Services: Of Whales and Dinosaurs
Underprivileged children and families were invited for an outing and free guided tour to the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum organised by NUS Business School Global Alumni Network Office.
Groceries Shopping with the Elderly
Groceries Shopping with the Elderly
Volunteers from the National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) brought the disadvantaged elderly from the Macpherson CC to Giant Supermarket at Suntec City on a groceries shopping trip. Each household was also given $60 for their groceries shopping.
NUS Alumni Network Manila Donates to Philippine General Hospital
NUS Alumni Network Manila Donates to Philippine General Hospital
On 1 February 2025, the NUS Alumni Network Manila, through the NUS Cares initiative, donated Php 90,000 (SG$ 2,000) worth of essential medical equipment to Pediatric Wards 9 and 11 of the Philippine General Hospital (PGH). The turnover ceremony was attended by University of the Philippines (UP) President Angelo Jimenez (Public Policy '13), UP Manila Chancellor Dr Michael Tee, PGH Medical Director Dr Gerardo Legaspi, and PGH Pediatrics Chair Dr Edilberto Garcia, among others.
A Day at Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home (Silat)
A Day at Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home (Silat)
NUS Office of Alumni Relations staff spent the morning interacting with the elderly through games and karaoke, as well as painting a mural wall and helping to set up a mini garden.
NUS Alumni Sing-Along Members Volunteer at All Saints Home
NUS Alumni Sing-Along Members Volunteer at All Saints Home
Seven NUS Alumni Sing-Along (ASA) members spent the afternoon of Friday, 17 November, bringing joy to the residents of All Saints Home, Hougang, rounding off the year’s NUS Cares programme. Members sang and danced, and encouraged residents to sing along. 170 residents and caregivers were treated to sugar rolls and curry puffs. This year, NUS ASA has been privileged to bring cheer not only to elderly folks at different homes in Singapore but also to travel to Jakarta to entertain children from the Indonesian Street Children Organisation.
Learn to Play Athletics
Learn to Play Athletics
In partnership with, Singapore Disability Sports Council (SDSC) and Northlight School, volunteers helped to engage disadvantaged children with athletic activities, such as running, jumping and throwing events.
Caroling at Singapore General Hospital
Caroling at Singapore General Hospital
Volunteers from the Duke-NUS Medical School brought cheers to the patients at SGH with lively musical performances.
Park clean up event by OHR
Park clean up event by OHR
NUS Staff from the Office of Human Resources supported the NUS Cares initiative by participating in a clean-up of Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park on 16 September 2022. A total of 83 staff took part, and we played our part in keeping public spaces clean and moving towards a greener and more sustainable Singapore.
NUS Sing Along Alumni volunteering at All Saints Home (Hougang)
NUS Sing Along Alumni volunteering at All Saints Home (Hougang)
Bright and early on the morning of Saturday, September 3rd, nineteen NUS Alumni Sing-along members arrived at All Saints Home, Hougang to spread joy to the residents. We entertained the residents who were able to join us at the multi-purpose hall with our renditions of English, Malay, Mandarin and Chinese dialect songs. A few sang along while others clapped along. It brought smiles to their faces when familiar tunes were sung. A chicken rice & porridge lunch, favourite dishes of the residents and requested by them, was provided for all 130 residents. 10 kg. of peach & longan cake was served during their tea time. All thanks to the ASA members and friends who had made generous financial contributions to the event. Some residents were so happy that they requested for us to return monthly to sing for them and even requested specific songs, especially Hokien songs. Our rewards were the smiles on the residents’ faces and the opportunity to touch their lives, even for a short while.
NUS Alumni Manila Chapter– NUS Cares 2023 02 September
NUS Alumni Manila Chapter– NUS Cares 2023 02 September
In line with the zeal of the NUS Overseas Chapter Manila to ensure the continuation of charitable activities conducted under the auspices of NUS Cares that began in 2019 and, saw sustained implementation in 2020, 2021, and 2022, the chapter selected Tuloy Sa Don Bosco Foundation, Inc. as our partner beneficiary for NUS Cares in 2023. The Foundation estimates that about one and a half million disadvantaged children in the Philippines call the streets their home. They are vulnerable to an unforgiving physical environment, criminality, exploitation, and even prostitution. Many of those kids grow up to find themselves in prison, while some even lose their lives. Established in 1993, the Foundation is a non-profit organization that helps poor and abandoned children from the streets or from abusive family environments who are 9 to 18 years of age and physically and mentally trainable for skills that will enable them to acquire values, habits, and capabilities for self-direction and their eventual reintegration into the mainstream of society through gainful employment in the future. Tuloy believes in nurturing children in need and giving them hope through alternative education and technical-vocational training. The Foundation sits in a 4.5-hectare property in Muntinlupa that was leased for free from the Philippine Department of Social Welfare and Development. Through private sector support, it has since been developed into a village complete with facilities necessary for the well-rounded development of children. Currently, around 300 disadvantaged and homeless children reside at the premises. There are already about 3,000 children who have graduated from the Foundation. Five NUS alumni personally attended the NUS Cares event on 2 September 2023. The NUS Overseas Chapter Manila turned over to the Foundation a donation amounting to P30,000.00 (716.45 SGD) that will benefit the kids under the Foundation’s care. The cheque for said donation was received by Foundation President and Founder Fr. Marciano “Rocky” G. Evangelista, SDB, from NUS Overseas Chapter Manila President Richard D. Tan (Public Policy, 2012). The program commenced at the main conference room with a briefing and an AVP show that highlighted the history, milestones, and accomplishments of the Foundation. A Q&A session and, the formal turnover of the donation to the Tuloy sa Don Bosco Foundation Inc. President and Founder followed this. A tour of the grounds ensued, in strict observance of picture-taking guidelines meant to protect the privacy of the street kids housed in the facilities.
Kayak River Cleanup
Kayak River Cleanup
Before the cleaning commenced, NUS Students' Union (NUSSU) volunteers learned more about the effects of trash on the environment and sea animals. Volunteers then set out on kayaks to pick up trash along the riverside that is inaccessible to cleaners.
The Food Bank Singapore 
The Food Bank Singapore 
NUSSU Alumni - Packing at The Food Bank Singapore (5 Sep)
A Shared Effort @ Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen
A Shared Effort @ Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen
Volunteers from NUS Office of Alumni Relations (OAR) & National University of Singapore Students' Union (NUSSU) Alumni took different shifts to assist with the preparation and distribution of packed meals to 400 beneficiaries of the underprivileged community.
Medical Adherence Carnival @ NTUC SilverACE
Medical Adherence Carnival @ NTUC SilverACE
The Medical Adherence Carnival was held at NTUC Health SilverACE Centre (Taman Jurong). The aim of this event was to educate the elderly about the importance of medication adherence, as well as more information about the three common chronic diseases in Singapore – diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia. 30 students from the NUS Pharmaceutical Society were involved in conducting five different stations at the carnival, which reached out to 40 senior citizens.
CPO & OFN Beach Clean Up
CPO & OFN Beach Clean Up
As part of NUS Cares, a university-wide movement encouraging the NUS community to volunteer, and to bring awareness to the environment by keeping our beaches and park clean, the Office of Finance and Central Procurement Office, together with Deputy President (Administration) Mr Clarence Ti, gathered at Pasir Ris Park on 3 September 2022 for Beach Clean Up. Participants were briefed to pick up macro and microplastics and trash. Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that result from both commercial product development and the breakdown of larger plastics. As a pollutant, microplastic infiltration into the sea can be harmful to the Marine ecosystem, environment and animal health. A total of 75 staff and family members amassed the park’s areas 1-2. Total area is 1,901 m2. By 11am, total of close to 60kg of trash and recyclables were collected.
Volunteering at Soup Kitchen
Volunteering at Soup Kitchen
Volunteers helped out at the kitchen which operates daily to provide daily meals to over 5,000 beneficiaries. Activities included preparation of ingredients, packing of lunch boxes, cleaning and washing, and general help.
House cleaning programme for seniors
House cleaning programme for seniors
In partnership with Sathya Sai Social Services, Office of Student Affairs (OSA) staff and alumni together with NUS President, Prof Tan, Director of Office of Alumni Relations, Mr Bernard Toh and Co-Chairman of NUS Alumni Advisory Board, Mr Johnny Tan helped clean the house of elderly residents in Eunos Crescent. Many of the elderly residents live alone, are frail and have medical conditions, impeding their ability to perform daily activities such as cleaning their homes. The volunteers helped to sweep, mop and keep their home sanitized.
Ridge View Residential College's (RVRC) FoRestore Tree-Planting
Ridge View Residential College's (RVRC) FoRestore Tree-Planting
Since 2019, FoRestore, an interest group at RVRC takes care of forest research plots, from tree planting, monitoring to weed suppression activities, as well as looking after a forest plant nursery at RVRC. The interest group organised a forest restoration event on 3 September 2022 with the aim to raise awareness, interest and appreciation on Singapore’s forests through hands-on involvement. RVRC community; alumni, students, colleagues and friends planted a total of 50 trees at Chestnut Nature Park including a few native tree species.
Serving with Love
Serving with Love
NUS Food Science & Technology (FST) Programme Alumni members and volunteers were at the Salvation Army Peacehaven Nursing Home, where they entertained the residents with lively song performances and also helped out with chores at the Home.
Supporting and Learning about Migrant Workers in Singapore
Supporting and Learning about Migrant Workers in Singapore
Volunteers from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Mandarin Alumni spent time with migrant workers to learn more about them, and introduced them to calligraphy session as well as played basketball and football with them.
Ridge View Residential College Blood Donation Drive
Ridge View Residential College Blood Donation Drive
In an effort to give back to the community, Ridge View Residential College liaised with The Singapore Red Cross to organise a blood donation drive. The blood drive is open to residents and staff of RVRC to donate blood and help those in need. In these trying times, RVRC hopes to help with in whatever way they can. Event was held on 19 January 2022 (11am - 5pm), with 70 donors.
A Day at the Museum
A Day at the Museum
153 beneficiaries and staff from four welfare voluntary organisations – Thong Kheng Seniors Activity Centre, Chen Su Lan Methodist Children's Home, DaySpring Residential Treatment Centre and Autism Resource Centre – enjoyed a free educational tour of the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, led by museum guides and accompanied by 45 alumni and student volunteers from the NUS Students’ Union Alumni.
BABES Charity Concert and Dinner
BABES Charity Concert and Dinner
The event raised funds in support of BABES (, which provides crisis support for teenage pregnancy. The dinner was accompanied by a concert with performances by Gwendolyn Thong and Freda Lim (Sopranos), Rachel Tang (Pianist) and Clara Tan (Cellist).
Neighbourhood Health Service
Neighbourhood Health Service
A total of 300 medical, nursing and social work students from NUS participated in the Neighbourhood Health Service (NHS), which provided free health screening services for the residents in Taman Jurong. Besides triage services (e.g. measuring blood pressure, capillary blood glucose, BMI, Snellen Test), NHS also collaborated with Singapore Eye Research Institute to offer advanced eye screening services, and with South West CDC to refer residents for free Mammogram services. Other services provided include pap smear referrals to Singapore Cancer Society and referrals to various social service organisations. “I appreciate the fact that I could discuss the residents’ circumstances with the medical students so that the work we were doing became collaborative rather than parallel. I was able to understand the residents’ biophysical concerns, which helped me to assess the psychological and social factors inhibiting their treatment seeking more thoroughly.” - Tan Qiu Xuan, Arts and Social Sciences (Social Work) student
NUS Business School Alumni Association, NUS Mandarin Alumni Association and GANO (Global Alumni Network Office) came togther to pack and distribute food packages to the needy families in Toa Payoh.
Making a Difference for Youths
Making a Difference for Youths
Through donations and the sale of snacks, handicraft and tickets to a virtual charity concert, volunteers from Tembusu College contributed their efforts to Trybe, a social service agency that specialises in working with youths facing adversities.
Soap for Hope
Soap for Hope
Students from the College of Alice & Peter Tan, together with volunteers, reconstituted used bar soaps from hotels for distribution to migrant workers in Singapore.
Bringing a Smile to those who Help Us
Bringing a Smile to those who Help Us
Alumni, staff and students from the Faculty of Dentistry reached out to the cleaning community who help keep the NUS premises well maintained and conducive for learning. The cleaners were offered a free oral health screening, customised dental health education and information on available healthcare services.
Reading stories over Zoom to children from Beyond Social Services
Reading stories over Zoom to children from Beyond Social Services
NUS BizAlum - Reading stories over Zoom to children from Beyond Social Services (4 Sep)
Shared Bicycles In Order
Shared Bicycles In Order
Volunteers from NUS Alumni Xiamen Chapter participated in this public education campaign to share and inform users on the rules and regulations of bike sharing, including proper parking and storage of bicycles, to ensure a comfortable riding experience for all users.
Active Gardening by CDE
Active Gardening by CDE
CDE Cares x Team Nila's Active Gardening organised by the Office of Alumni Relations on 17 September 2022 as part of the NUS Cares initiative. CDE volunteers came together with Team Nila volunteers in managing the active farm at Toa Payoh Sports Hall. CDE volunteers consisting of Alumni, staff and undergraduates spend their Saturday morning harvesting fresh vegetables, herbs, and fruits for beneficiaries either the Home or to residents. Nonetheless, it was mutually benefitting experience as CDE volunteers learnt about sustainable farming and the basics of growing vegetables. Read more about the event at
OSA Volunteers!
OSA Volunteers!
At this carnival organised by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), the seniors at NTUC Health SilverACE enjoyed a variety of activities accompanied by OSA Volunteers.
Garden Clean-up @ College Green
Garden Clean-up @ College Green
Members of the LKYSPP Mandarin Alumni Group took time off to clean up College Green at Dunearn Road.
“Build-a-Bike” Community Project
“Build-a-Bike” Community Project
Led by Chief People Officer Dr Janson Yap, 125 OHR staff came together to build 25 bicycles from scratch as part of NUS OHR People’s Fest on 19 April 2024. As the event fell during the Hari Raya period, it was fitting that the beneficiaries of the bikes were the Muhammadiyah Welfare Home and Yayasan MENDAKI. Children of the beneficiaries will be able to use the bikes for their daily activities and programmes.
Visit to Singapore Discovery Centre for CPAS
Visit to Singapore Discovery Centre for CPAS
Volunteers from Office of Human Resources accompanied beneficiaries from the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore (CPAS) on a movie and lunch outing at the Singapore Discovery Centre.
Elderly Home Visits
Elderly Home Visits
On this NUS Day of Service, NUS Community Service Club - L-derly Befrienders volunteers joined one of the weekly student visits to the elderly, and engaged in activities such as simple household chores, grocery shopping, having lunch and chit-chatting with the elderly.
Touch Community Services - Meals-On-Wheels Program
Touch Community Services - Meals-On-Wheels Program
NUS Business School Alumni Association Board of Directors and alumni, in support of Touch Community Services Meals-On-Wheels program, packed and distributed food packages to the needy families.
Charity Auction Dinner
Charity Auction Dinner
38 alumni from the NUS Alumni Auckland Chapter attended the auction dinner and raised $1,500 in support of the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation, New Zealand. The Foundation launched its inaugural national campaign "Breathe Better September" to raise awareness of the increasing number of people living with a respiratory illness – the third leading cause of death in NZ.
Virtual Meet-up with Outram Community Hospital & Sengkang Community Hospital
Virtual Meet-up with Outram Community Hospital & Sengkang Community Hospital
In collaboration with FASS, NUS Economics Alumni hosted patients of Outram Community Hospital and Sengkang Community Hospital online with highlights that included a game of Bingo, a sing-along session and a care pack delivered to each participant.
Reading with Kids from DAS and Interactive Activity with SOSD
Reading with Kids from DAS and Interactive Activity with SOSD
Together with student volunteers from College of Alice & Peter Tan (CAPT), children and their families from DAS (Dyslexia Association Singapore) enjoyed reading and interacting with furry friends from SOSD (Save Our Street Dogs).
UTR Tropical Fruitopia
UTR Tropical Fruitopia
Children from the West Coast area were invited for an art competition as one of the activities at UTown Residence’s Fruitopia.
Neighbourhood Health Service
Neighbourhood Health Service
Medical volunteers from Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine reached out to residents-in-need living in rental blocks, and reconnected them to the healthcare system through free health screenings and follow-ups.
Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen
Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen
NUS alumni, students and staff from the Tembusu College came together to clean, cut, cook and pack meals for the less fortunate among us. NUS President Professor Tan Chorh Chuan; Master of Tembusu College, Associate Professor Gregory Clancey; Director of Student Affairs, Dr Kuan Yee Han; and Director of the NUS Office of Alumni Relations, Mr Bernard Toh also rolled up their sleeves to do their part for the community. “Being in a community is really a special thing. It was pretty incredible to see everyone come together for these few hours, and hey – I got to marinate fish elbow-to-elbow with Prof Tan Chorh Chuan! It takes a community to help a community. The little that we do can really do a lot.” – Tembusu College resident, Liana Gurung, Year 4, Literature major
Blankets for the Homeless this Winter
Blankets for the Homeless this Winter
Homelessness in Auckland city has become a big problem over the last 10 years. The causes for this include: the city is growing rapidly, income-gap is increasing, and there is a lack of housing options available to the underprivileged. Come winter time, the plight of the homeless is exacerbated by the cold weather and damp conditions. For NUS Day of Service this year, the NUS Alumni Auckland Chapter focused their efforts on alleviating the suffering of the homeless, by raising funds to buy blankets for the Auckland City Mission. A total of 43 brand new blankets were bought and delivered to the mission, for distribution to the homeless and needy.
OSA Coastal Cleanup at Coney Island
OSA Coastal Cleanup at Coney Island
NUS Office of Student Affairs (OSA) gathered 13 volunteers; staff from OSA and students to Coney Island in the morning of 3rd September to catch the low tide and clean up marine litter that were washed up to the shores. They appreciated the flora and fauna on the island and admired the mangrove trees after picking up litters stuck in between the roots. In total, they collected 15kg worth of marine litter ranging from plastic bottles to shoes and even a sarong!
Coastal Cleanup @ Tanah Merah Beach
Coastal Cleanup @ Tanah Merah Beach
As part of International Coastal Cleanup 2017, volunteers from College of Alice & Peter Tan cleaned up the shores, waterways and mangroves by collecting, categorising, recording and removing trash.
Volunteering at IMH
Volunteering at IMH
Volunteers from Tembusu College interacted with clients from IMH through activities such as colouring, arts and craft as well as playing of Lego.
Beach Cleanup at East Coast Park Area C
Beach Cleanup at East Coast Park Area C
On 3 June 2022, 18 Central Procurement Office (CPO) & Organisational Excellence Transformation Unit (OETU) Staff, family and friends spent the morning cleaning up the pavement and beach at East Coast Park Area C (Parkland Green). We have collected trash amounting close to 50kg and 5kg of recycables. One of our junior also found a lost drone on the beach!
Charity Visit to Orphanage -  Aung Zay Yar Min Monastery Orphanage
Charity Visit to Orphanage - Aung Zay Yar Min Monastery Orphanage
Volunteers from the NUS Alumni Yangon Circle visited Aung Zay Yar Min Monastery Orphanage with donations of essential food items and stationery, and helped to educate 200 orphans on personal hygiene.
Mid-Autumn Fiesta
Mid-Autumn Fiesta
Organised in partnership with the Social Leisure Club of the Autism Resource Centre (Singapore), the Mid-Autumn Fiesta brought to life the stories and traditions of the Mid-Autumn Festival to youths with autism through fun games and engaging hands-on activities.
Visit to Saint Andrew’s Nursing Home
Visit to Saint Andrew’s Nursing Home
NUS Senior Alumni members brought cheer to and interacted with the patients at the Home. Student group NUS Dance Synergy also entertained the patients with an interactive dance performance.
Edible and Therapeutic Garden Maintenance Programme
Edible and Therapeutic Garden Maintenance Programme
NUS Food, Science and Technology (FST) Department Head, Prof Zhou Weibiao and Deputy Head, Prof Huang Dejian joined 20 FST alumni, staff and students in maintaining the Edible Demonstration Garden and contributing to the completion of the Edible Nature Way Pilot Project, both of which are important green spaces for the community. The Edible Demonstration Garden allows the community to come together to learn about edible gardening and eco-friendly practices, whereas the Edible Nature Way serves to demonstrate the importance of sustainability and promoting a rich biodiversity. FST volunteers helped to weed, prune, fertilise, transplant and harvest the edible plants found in the gardens, all while learning about the unique plants that can be found there!
East Coast Park Cleanup
East Coast Park Cleanup
NUS Senior Deputy President and Provost Professor Ho Teck Hua and NUS Day of Service Committee Chairperson Mr Jeremy Ee joined Office of Alumni Relations staff and alumni volunteers and their families to pick up trash at East Coast Park. 88kg of trash was collected and categorised into recyclales and non-recyclables.
A Quantum of Science
A Quantum of Science
A science show-and-tell session for the public at Science Centre Singapore by students from the Faculty of Science and Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT). This was held in conjunction with “Quantum: The Exhibition”, a 4000-sqft exhibition that opened at Science Centre Singapore in August with support from partners including CQT.
NUS Alumni Manila Chapter Day of Service
NUS Alumni Manila Chapter Day of Service
The National University of Singapore (NUS) MANILA Chapter implemented its much-delayed Day of Service for 2021 on 5 March 2022. Manila is now at the least restrictive Alert Level System Level 1 since the onset of the global pandemic. While maintaining the usual health and safety protocols, there are no more restrictions in terms of indoor and outdoor capacities including intrazonal and interzonal travel of people. The Missionaries of Charity (Philippine Branch Office) has been selected as the primary beneficiary of the chapter. Administered by a dozen nuns, the beneficiary caters to mostly sick and/or physically or mentally challenged children and elderly. Most children are abandoned—with some of them left there by their parents as they are physically and financially unable to take care of their sick children. Headquartered along Tayuman Street of Tondo District in the City of Manila, the area is known for being the slum capital of Manila given its high poverty incidence. The Project Chairperson / DOS Champion is Kimly Anaissa Ang Sandoval (Business, 2018), who also concurrently serves as the Chapter Secretary for term 2021-2023. The chapter surveyed the beneficiary by asking them directly for their long-term needs. Their overwhelming reply was for the supply of Industrial Orbit Ceiling Electric Fans for all their 18 Homes, two of which are in Manila and the rest in major cities in the Philippines. These fans are quite expensive for them but very much needed for their daily routines, especially in the summer. A major supplier of the ceiling fans, Europrince Philippines Corporation, a personal network of our Project Chairperson, gave a quote of PhP1,250 per ceiling fan which is cheaper by almost 30% than those found in online shopping platforms or stores. The price included free delivery and 1 year warranty nationwide. The chapter decided to proceed with this supplier. There was a Call for Donation through the chapter’s official Facebook Group Page on the evening of 1 March 2022. In the span of forty-eight (48) hours or two (2) days, the chapter was able to collect a total of PhP41,250, which is enough for us to order thirty-three (33) ceiling fans! We decided to proceed soonest with the turnover on March 5 (Saturday), 10:00 AM. A total of eleven (11) NUS alumni donated a total amount of PhP41,250 (SGD1,075.62 at SGD1 = PhP38.35) for the project. Four (4) NUS alumni also personally attended the NUS Day of Service event on 5 March 2022 at 9:30am. The turned over fans will be distributed by the sisters to their other branches in the provinces.
Soap for Hope
Soap for Hope
Students from College of Alice & Peter Tan, together with volunteers, reconstituted used bar soaps from hotels for migrant workers
A Day in the Shoes of a Migrant Worker
A Day in the Shoes of a Migrant Worker
In collaboration with Healthserve, NUS Faculty of Science students organised and participated in an afternoon of food, games and sports for the migrant worker community.
Giving Voice to the Wildlife with ACRES
Giving Voice to the Wildlife with ACRES
Alumni, students and staff from NUS Forensic Science were joined by NUS President Tan Eng Chye, NUS Day of Service Committee Chairperson Mr Jeremy Ee, and NUS Alumni Advisory Board members Ms Janet Ang and Mr Johnny Tan at this activity. Everyone pulled up their sleeves and helped with cleaning and maintenance chores.
Hathirjheel Lake Cleanup
Hathirjheel Lake Cleanup
To date, more than 160 people have died of dengue in Dhaka and mosquitoes are the main bearer of this disease. Mayor of Dhaka City Corporation has requested all citizens of Dhaka to come forward to clean the city and destroy the breeding grounds of mosquitoes. Volunteers from the NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Bangladesh Alumni Chapter helped to fumigate the Hathirjheel Lake ares (which has been identified as one of the breeding areas); as well as help to clear the waste near the lake area with help of City Corporation cleaning staff.
ReadySetGold Charity Walk
ReadySetGold Charity Walk
It was a beautiful NUS Cares morning on 3rd September as our Raffles Hall community comprising of residents and ex-residents, spent our Saturday morning in Sembawang at Blossom Seeds, a community care organisation that supports seniors to blossom in their golden years by staying active. For our silver-haired beneficiaries, it was a marvelous occasion to enjoy the lively atmosphere with members of community of all ages, whilst we as NUS alumni, students and staff found it heartening to experience the joy of the seniors as we guided them through the walkathon and performances. Minister of Health, Ong Ye Kung also expressed his appreciation for our strong support of the Healthier SG program which is for all Singaporeans to take steps towards better health ( Raffles Hall was represented by Ms Lim Swee Kim, Chairman of Raffles Hall Association; Associate Professor Stella Tan, Master of Raffles Hall along with alumni and residents, and Professor Chen Tsuhan, Deputy President (Research & Technology) joined our RH family on this meaningful community program too. As an alumnus who had a wonderful campus life in Raffles Hall, I will continue to give back by providing volunteering opportunities for our undergraduates to grow wholly and fully. I believe that alumni contribution is essential in this ecosystem because we can provide the network, funding, and mentorship to our undergraduates. We can continue to nurture a kind and respectful society as a simple act of kindness can go a long way in spreading a smile. See Blossom Seeds Ready Set Gold 2022,
“Smiles for Everyone” Oral Health Check
“Smiles for Everyone” Oral Health Check
In collaboration with HealthServe, the Faculty of Dentistry and Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health organised an oral health check for the migrant worker community at the Terusan Recreation Centre on 29 May 2022. Dentists, many of whom are NUS alumni, screened the workers while being assisted by dental undergraduates who are in their clinical phases of the Bachelor of Dental Surgery course. Other dental undergraduates from the clinical phase of the course were also actively engaged in providing the workers with oral health education, equipping them with useful preventive tips on toothbrushing as well as dietary advice for healthier teeth and gums. The students from the pre-clinical phases of the course assisted with registration, ushering as well as helping the workers complete a questionnaire survey aimed at finding more about their oral health knowledge, attitudes and practices. This outreach initiative provided a valuable opportunity for alumni dentists and current dental students to work together and bring smiles to the migrant workers. It was also a chance for the students to bring the knowledge and skills they have learned through the formal curriculum to life as they interacted with the migrant workers.
Distribution of Food to Roadside Construction Workers
Distribution of Food to Roadside Construction Workers
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Pakistan Alumni Chapter Alumni distributed lunch to the informal construction workers who gathered at intersections to wait for jobs.
DVO Gives Back Day 2023
DVO Gives Back Day 2023
As part of DVO Gives Back Day 2023, the Development Office (DVO) team organised a memorable day of fun and learning with friends from the Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH) to Gardens by the Bay. The Cloud Forest and Flower Dome transported all of us to different corners of the world, showcasing the incredible diversity of plant life and provided a therapeutic escape for the beneficiaries. DVO also gifted SAMH with funds raised from DVO’s Silent Auction where staff sold and bid on items, to support their meaningful cause. Our annual DVO Gives Back Day is not just a tradition; it is a testament to the heart of NUS, and we look forward to each new opportunity to give back to the communities.
Food Science Lab Tour for Children's Wishing Well
Food Science Lab Tour for Children's Wishing Well
25 children from Children's Wishing Well were treated to a visit to the FST lab following a lunch session at NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House, organised by the National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) & Food Science and Technology Alumni Group
Tree Planting and Beautification Programme
Tree Planting and Beautification Programme
As a manifestation and mark of commitment to the environment, alumni and volunteers from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Bangladesh Alumni Chapter planted around 200 saplings and carried out works to beautify their roadsides in Bangladesh. “It is a small step, nevertheless it paves the way for bigger steps in future”- Abul Bashar (LKYSPP ’09)
Tree Planting @ Chestnut Nature Park
Tree Planting @ Chestnut Nature Park
This activity was held to commemorate the inauguration of Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) as a member of Friends of Chestnut Nature Park. This 81-ha park is the largest in Singapore and serves as an important green buffer for the Central Catchment Nature Reserve.
Volunteering @ Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen
Volunteering @ Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen
Volunteers from the NUS Business School Alumni Association contributed their efforts to prepare, cook and distribute meals to beneficiaries such as the elderly and low-income families.
Quanzhou Traditional Village Conservation
Quanzhou Traditional Village Conservation
To promote awareness of heritage conservation in traditional villages, 13 alumni from the NUS Xiamen Overseas Chapter went to Houlong Central Primary School in Quangang, to give a talk and tour. The team, together with 30 students and teachers (including the principal), visited the Tukeng Village, the most well-preserved village along the maritime silk road in Quanzhou. “I often see such folk houses and architectures but I have never paid attention to the details of the structure and craftsmanship before. Today I learned to appreciate how very delicate, special and beautiful the architecture is.” – a Houlong Central Primary School student The team also brought books, NUS souvenirs and three sets of water purifiers for the school.
Charity Tennis Tournament and Dinner
Charity Tennis Tournament and Dinner
The Charity Tennis Tournament and Dinner brought together by Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Japan Alumni Chapter and their family and friends, for friendly tennis matches and a dinner to raise funds for UNICEF and Red Cross.
PGPR Appreciation Lunch
PGPR Appreciation Lunch
Prince Georges Park Residences (PGPR) residents showed their appreciation to the PGPR maintenance, housekeeping and security teams with an appreciation lunch. They also prepared goodie bags, as well as designed and made thank you notes and cards for the teams.
Companionship with Tampines Senior Residents
Companionship with Tampines Senior Residents
In collaboration with Kampung Senang Charity and Education Foundation and Tampines Residents’ Network, NUS Senior Alumni and NUS Office of Alumni Relations organised The Silver Star Gathering event for 72 senior residents of Tampines on 3 September 2022. It was a morning packed with activities including a leisurely walk around Kampung Senang garden, a sing-along session with English, Chinese, Malay and Indian songs, and a nutritious and delicious plant-based meal. Dr Koh Poh Koon (Medicine '96), Senior Minister of State for Manpower, Sustainability and the Environment, Chairperson of Tampines GRC also made a special appearance to sing with the seniors and distribute gift packs to all the senior residents in attendance. It was a meaningful morning for the 15 NUS Senior Alumni and 9 NUS Office of Alumni Relations staff as we befriended the senior residents and sang beloved classic songs with them.
Ridge View Residential College Beach Clean-up
Ridge View Residential College Beach Clean-up
As part of RVN1000's fieldtrip component, two beach clean-up exercises were completed on 15 February and 8 March at Lim Chu Kang Beach, with 16 volunteers from the RVRC family. The exercises were organised in collaboration with International Coastal Cleanup Singapore
Lunch with Children at Bal Sahyog Children’s Home
Lunch with Children at Bal Sahyog Children’s Home
Alumni from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy India Alumni Chapter organised a special lunch for the children at Bal Sahyog where they shared a meal and interacted with the children. “Spending time at Bal Sahyog was a humbling experience. It made me rethink the importance and scope of public policy in improving the lives of people in India” – Rahul, MPA
Welfare Packs for Ling Kwang Home
Welfare Packs for Ling Kwang Home
20 members from NUS Alumni Sing-Along (ASA) packed and distributed 250 welfare packs to residents of Ling Kwang Home.
Movie Outing to Shaw Foundation Alumni House
Movie Outing to Shaw Foundation Alumni House
Children from low-income and disadvantaged households from NTUC My First Skool (KidSTART Programme) as well as their families enjoyed movie screening of Trolls, followed by lunch and a fun time having their photos taken at the family fun photo booth organised by the NUS Office of Alumni Relations
Walking with Dinosaurs
Walking with Dinosaurs
Volunteers from the NUSSU Alumni & NUS Community Service Club alumni interacted with children and youth beneficiaries on guided museum tours at the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum in NUS.
Servicing wheelchairs for elderlies @ Boon Lay Drive
Servicing wheelchairs for elderlies @ Boon Lay Drive
6 Senior Alumni and 10 NUS Alumni Relations staff collaborated with Kampung Senang and Boon Lay Zone D RC to service (i.e. clean and repair) 30 wheelchairs for elderlies staying within Boon Lay area.
Food Preparation at Willing Hearts
Food Preparation at Willing Hearts
Volunteers helped to prepare meals for the underprivileged at this soup kitchen, by undertaking tasks such as preparation of ingredients and cutting vegetables.
Outing with the Elderly from Moral Welfare Home
Outing with the Elderly from Moral Welfare Home
Members from the NUS Volunteer Network Alumni and NUS Volunteer Action Committee took elderly beneficiaries from Moral Welfare Home out on an outing, and spent time talking and having a meal with them.
RHA @ Willing Hearts
RHA @ Willing Hearts
A party of alumni from Raffles Hall Association volunteered at Willing Hearts on the afternoon of 4 September, preparing vegetables for packed meals that went out to over 10,000 beneficiaries.
Walking with Dinosaurs
Walking with Dinosaurs
Underprivileged children and children with special needs enjoyed an outing and free guided tour of the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, led by NUS Students' Union Alumni.
Registrar Office at the Food Bank Singapore
Registrar Office at the Food Bank Singapore
Registrar’s Office volunteered at Foodbank Singapore. Despite Singapore being a well-off country, there are still pockets of people who struggle to put food on their table daily. Foodbank acquires donated food and makes it available to those in need through a network of member beneficiaries. A team of 12 of us went down on Saturday to help out. Some of us were tasked as road marshals as a car club was helping to distribute food bundles on behalf of Foodbank. The rest of us assisted in loading these food bundles into the cars and vans. We helped Foodbank sort through food donations. Not all donated food items are deemed to be suitable for their beneficiaries. We had to throw out food that was expired or partially used. It helped us empathise more with people who are less fortunate.
Heart of Food - Food Delivery to Needy Families
Heart of Food - Food Delivery to Needy Families
Volunteers from NUS Business School packed and distributed food packs to needy families in Toa Payoh.
LKYSPP staff volunteer at NTUC Healthcare Senior Day Care Centre
LKYSPP staff volunteer at NTUC Healthcare Senior Day Care Centre
Volunteering is always an eye-opening experience, at least for the 16 Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) staff who spent time playing and talking with 40 seniors from the NTUC Healthcare Senior Day Care Centre on 13 September 2023. When playing and conversing with seniors, volunteering taught staff the importance of empathy and patience, and volunteering in a group demonstrated the power of collaboration even more.
Orphanage support at Yong Chun county
Orphanage support at Yong Chun county
NUS Alumni Xiamen Chapter - Orphanage support at Yong Chun county (5 Sep)
Care Pack Distribution  at Kampung Senang
Care Pack Distribution at Kampung Senang
16 Senior Alumni and 8 Central Procurement Office (CPO) staff took different shifts to pack and distribute 300 care packs to beneficiaries of the Kampung Senang Charity and Education Foundation.
Bin Right!
Bin Right!
Many locations provide recycling bins for the public, but often these bins are contaminated with the wrong items. Volunteers from the Master of Science (Environmental Management) Alumni educated the public on proper waste segregation at City Square Mall, Singapore’s first Eco-Mall.
LKYSPP Alumni Sri Lanka Chapter: Visit to Children's Ward in National Cancer Institute
LKYSPP Alumni Sri Lanka Chapter: Visit to Children's Ward in National Cancer Institute
Alumni from LKYSPP Sri Lanka Chapter visited and donated essential item packs to 180 children under the age of 12 at the children’s ward of the main cancer hospital in the country.
Serving with Love
Serving with Love
In conjunction with World First Aid Day, NUS Food Science & Technology Programme Alumni partnered with the Singapore Red Cross to pack and distribute groceries and food packs to 300 beneficiaries in the South West District.
Carolling at SGH
Carolling at SGH
Staff, alumni and students from Duke-NUS Medical School brought cheers to the patients at SGH with lively musical performances.
Fun, Laughter & Silver!
Fun, Laughter & Silver!
The activity held at Ghim Moh’s Lions Befrienders Senior Activity Centre saw close to 30 NUS Libraries’ staff interacting with 45 silver friends who live in the rented two-room apartments nearby. Besides engaging with the seniors through refreshing exercises, nostalgic sing-along session, fun games, and sharing a sumptuous buffet lunch, NUS Libraries’ staff also forged warm friendships with the enthusiastic uncles and aunties and gained a better appreciation of issues that the silver generation faces daily.
Ubin Kampong Clean-up Project
Ubin Kampong Clean-up Project
Students from King Edward VII (KEVII) Hall helped to clean homes, courtyards and gardens at Kampung Durian on Pulau Ubin.
Tree Planting @ CAPT
Tree Planting @ CAPT
23 volunteers from College of Alice & Peter Tan (CAPT) Office of Facilities Management (OFM) planted trees at CAPT in an effort to do their part for the environment.
NUS Medical Society - Project Happy Apples
NUS Medical Society - Project Happy Apples
In partnership with Ren Ci Community Hospital, the NUS Medical Society prepared a 4-day virtual camp, attracting 60 volunteers through Its programme lineup ranges from talks and workshops, 1-to-1 interaction sessions, mass activities, reflection-cum-sharing sessions, to post-activities; to inspire youths to kickstart their volunteering journey and promote intergenerational bonding. For palliative care patients and the public; youth outreach/engagement + physical booth (subject to prevailing Covid-19 guidelines)
Food Distribution
Food Distribution
NUS Food Science & Technology Alumni Volunteers collected 'ugly' but still good-to-consume fruits and vegetables at Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre for distribution to needy families and charitable organisations.
Bin Right!
Bin Right!
Waste disposal and littering are serious concerns in Singapore. Although many locations provide recycling bins for the public to use, these bins are often contaminated with wrong items. Bin Right! is a community awareness programme championed by MSc (Environmental Management) Alumni, NUS Environmental Studies Alumni (NUSESA) and NUS Office of Environmental Sustainability to bring awareness to the general public on the proper disposal of waste in recycling bins.
Children’s Wishing Well Sports Day
Children’s Wishing Well Sports Day
The NUS Society (NUSS) invited disadvantaged children from Children's Wishing Well to NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House for a fun day of sports and recreation. NUSS created half a day of programme for the 29 children to have fun and gain meaningful exposure through sports and recreation while helping them to discover their sports interests. Every child was given a luncheon buffet and there was a music band performance for them to enjoy.
Raffles Hall Alumni and Raffles Hall student volunteers gathered on 1st September 2024 to volunteer with Blossom Seeds in their annual event Ready Set Gold, an inclusive Charity Walk designed to support active and vulnerable seniors to stay active. The event took place at the Blossom Seeds Centre in Bukit Canberra with an estimated 1350 walking participants and 600 volunteers. Raffles Hall was represented by Ms Lim Swee Kim (Computing '88), Chairperson of Raffles Hall Association, and over 10 student volunteers and several alumni including Lui Seng Fatt (Architecture '79, MBA '84) and Dilip Kumar (Law '78). Led by Leonard Tan (Engineering '19) and Pang Wei Han (Science '19), our volunteers walked together with our beneficiaries as befrienders and strengthen our community bonds, encouraging and showing our seniors that they are valued and cared for. Minister of Health Ong Ye Kung also expressed his appreciation for Raffles Hall’s strong support over the years with Blossom Seeds. Every step we take brings us closer in ensuring that no senior is left behind!
Visiting Semakau Landfill and Beach Clean-up
Visiting Semakau Landfill and Beach Clean-up
NUS Master of Science (Environmental Management) (MEM) Alumni Group visited Singapore’s only landfill and learned more about waste reduction, and went to Labrador Park to pick up trash.
ORMCares: Kayak ‘N’ Klean & Beach Clean-up
ORMCares: Kayak ‘N’ Klean & Beach Clean-up
In collaboration with PAssion WaVe @ Sembawang, a total of 35 NUS colleagues from the Office of Risk Management and Compliance participated in a meaningful day of education and coastal clean-up on 31 Aug 2022. The participants were split into their activity of choice, either beach clean-up on foot or beach and waterways clean-up on kayak. Although many were drenched in perspiration, we were nevertheless grateful to have spent the morning sweating and bonding with our colleagues while cleaning up the environment. We also had the opportunity to learn and observe the detrimental effects of human actions on the environment. Plastic waste often gets ingested by the smaller fishes who do not know any better. These small fishes could then be eaten by their larger counterparts which could in turn be consumed by us. This causes the presence of microplastics in our blood which could cause health complications. Furthermore, marine life and other wild animals might get trapped by our human waste and lead to their slow death by suffocation or hunger. We learnt that it is important to be mindful of where we can cut down and how we dispose of our waste as part of our social responsibility to ensure this earth will still be as beautiful for the future generations to come. With efficient collaboration and teamwork, ORMC collected trash amounting to a total of 1184 items with a total weight of 148 kg. Some interesting finds include a toilet seat, a teddy bear, and even a car plate and a car battery! Perhaps somewhere, under the waters, lie the rest of the car.​
NUSSU’s Kayak N Klean
NUSSU’s Kayak N Klean
Volunteers from the NUS Students' Union (NUSSU) went on kayaks to help to clean up litter in the waters and by the shore. This event also increased volunteers' awareness and understanding of the importance of marine life and nature conservation.
Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen
Willing Hearts Soup Kitchen
Willing Hearts is a 100% volunteer-based, non-profit organisation that provides 5,000 meals every day to various marginalised individuals in Singapore. Volunteers joined student and staff volunteers from Tembusu College in a variety of tasks such as preparation of ingredients, cooking and packing.