Nature Appreciation Series

20 January

The Nature Appreciation Series is an initiative by the National University of Singapore Society (NUSS)’s Alumni Development and University Relations (ADUR) Sub-Committee, which aims to provide attendees with an enriching experience through the exploration of the flora and fauna in Singapore. The series is led by Ms Maria Boey (Architecture ’74), President of the Institute of Parks & Recreation, Singapore (IPRS). She is also an NUSS member, volunteering her time as an ADUR Sub-Committee member.

The first of the series was held in 2016 at the Healing Garden at Singapore Botanical Gardens. For this second installment on 20 January, Ms Boey along with IPRS Horticulturist Mr Frederick Koh and experienced guides from the National Parks Board guided 92 attendees through the many Gardens at HortPark. It was an engaging and informative event where attendees learned more about the various plants, vegetables and fruits, as well as Vertical Green Walls — the types of plants being planted and how the walls are constructed.

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