MEM Alumni's Visit To Bantayan

22 April

On Earth Day (22 April), five Master of Science (Environmental Management) (MEM) alumni and Associate Professor Lye Lin-Heng (Chair, Progamme Management Committee, MEM Programme) gathered on Bantayan, a little island near Cebu, Philippines. They were there with many other green enthusiasts, to celebrate the reopening of the School of the SEA (Sea and Earth Advocates) after it was destroyed by Typhoon Haiyan in 2013.

The group was invited by its founder, the famous environmental attorney Mr Antonio Oposa Jr., whose milestone case fought in the name of future generations against the Filipino government is a compulsory study for all MEM students.

At SEA, “waste” is sought to be deleted from their lexicon. Organic matter is turned into compost, sewage is channelled into the soil as fertiliser; while non-biodegradable items are ground into tiny fragments, and mixed with cement and water to be used as construction material. Rainwater is collected and vegetables are grown. The School of the SEA is simple, basic and well-connected with nature — a place that walks the talk.

It was a great opportunity for the group to interact and exchange ideas, experiences and opinions with other guests from all over the world of diverse backgrounds. It was heart-warming to see SEA rebuilt after a catastrophe, bringing together people with a common cause, showing support for the quest for sustainability.

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