BEMA Fundraising Golf & Appreciation Dinner

13 June

Annually, the President of Building & Estate Management Alumni (BEMA) Dr Teo Ho Pin (Building ’85) hosts the BEMA Fundraising Golf and Appreciation Dinner as an opportunity for the alumni to network, connect and meet friends and business associates from the industry.

This year, the Fundraising Golf and Appreciation Dinner was held at Warren Golf & Country Club on 13 June. Although the Golf segment met with inclement weather, it did not dampen the mood of the participants and donors. $90,000 was raised for needy students to provide them with bursaries, essentials such as textbooks and enrichment programmes.

“Besides assisting our vulnerable families financially, it is also important to invest in the lives of our children as part of holistic assistance. I thank our donors for making this possible”, said Dr Teo.

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