NUS Department of Pharmacy's 2nd #PassionPridePurpose Contest

15 July

The 2nd installment of NUS Department of Pharmacy's 115th anniversary #PassionPridePurpose contest concluded on 15 July 2020. As the theme was "The Best Memory of Your Time in NUS Pharmacy”, the Department had the chance to walk down memory lane through the photo submissions by alumni as well as some current students.

It was heartwarming to hear about the amazing times spent in NUS Pharmacy that formed the highlight of the participants' education years. Ms Rachel Goh ('15) won the grand prize while Mr Neville Chua ('17), Ms Vivian Chin ('17), and Ms Ada Tan ('20) received consolation prizes.

Submitted by Ms Ng Shi Ying.

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From reunions to workshops, alumni awards to makan sessions, please share your memories and upcoming events with us!

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