Department of Sociology Zoom Graduation Event

13 June

A group of five Sociology students came together to organise a virtual celebration on 13 June 2020 for the graduating Sociology cohort. Although the COVID-19 pandemic meant that they could not do something celebratory in person, they had wanted to find another way to commemorate this significant milestone together with their peers.

Graduating in a pandemic after many years of hard work can be a discouraging and devastating experience. From disrupted thesis research and outstanding student loans to being stuck in less-than-ideal homes or being separated from loved ones, 2020 has been a tough time for many of us. Holding this graduation celebration was the cohort's way of reminding themselves that there is strength in solidarity. It was also a way to become comfortable - together - with the intersection of a past once so familiar, a present so unpredictable and a future so uncertain.

The Sociology Class of 2020 is graduating in one of the most volatile times in human history, but they are doing it together, on the back of an education that will stand them in good stead. A post-COVID world might look radically different, but the need to understand ourselves in relation to each other remains, and has arguably become more vital. The need to figure out what kind of society we want to live in has come to the forefront of many discussions. A hard look at our institutions, cultural practices, supply chains and distribution of wealth is long due. We might not be sure of where each of us will be in a post-COVID world, but this pandemic has heralded the start of our journey to answering these questions.

Submitted by Mr Tan Yang Long ('20)

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