BEMA Hosted Durian Party at Net-Zero Energy Building at NUS

18 December

The Building and Estate Management Alumni (BEMA) Executive Committee hosted a networking session with the staff of NUS School of Design and Environment (SDE) on 18 December 2019. It was an early Christmas gathering but not with the typical treat to turkey and log cake. The king of fruits was the highlight on the dining table, supplemented with an assortments of local kuehs, lychees and fresh coconut juice for variety.

The food was good, the company was better. For many, it was a wonderful opportunity to catch up with old friends and lecturers, many of whom they have not seen for years – and what better place to gather than at Singapore's first net-zero energy building, SDE4! Attendees indulged in Mao Shan Wang durians at the Open Plaza on the third level. It was al fresco dining at its best with casual dreamy lighting and the occasional night breeze.

"We continue to maintain a strong link between the alumni and the School, through networking sessions such as this and other fund-raising efforts to support the BEMA Bursary for needy students, the setting up of the SDE Development Fund and support for the SDE 50th Anniversary the year before,” shared Dr Teo Ho Pin (Building '85), President of BEMA.

Submitted by Ms Ong Yen Peng (Design and Environment '02)

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