FST Charity Golf 2019

26 March

The FST (Food Science and Technology) Charity Golf event held at Orchid Country Club on 26 March 2019 was the key activity to raise funds for the FST Alumni Endowment Fund and it was a great success with a total of $431,000 raised.

NUS alumni, staff and friends showed their strong support for the event by participating in the event and donating generously. After the golf game, about 260 golfers and guests attended a sumptuous dinner and were entertained by student band “1920”.

Deputy Dean of NUS Science Professor Peter Ho graced the dinner and witnessed the cheque presentation by the Chairman of the event and Chairperson of NUS Food Science & Technology Programme Alumni, Mr Daniel Chia (Science ’03), to FST Director Professor Zhou Weibiao.

Nine awards were established from this fundraising event, including the Ong Bee Lian-Department of Biological sciences award, which was established together with NUS Department of Biological Sciences. Dr Ong Bee Lian was an exemplary and dedicated educator who was well-liked by her students and colleagues at DBS and FST. Her demise was sorely felt by many, and this award was established in remembrance of her.

All the awards under FST Alumni Endowment Fund are for bursaries, to help underprivileged students pursue their studies and reach their full potential without financial hurdles.

  • Alumni Group - NUS Food Science & Technology Programme Alumni
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