A Date with DBS! (Session 6)
02 October
On Saturday, 2 October, the Department of Biological Sciences held the 6th instalment of the virtual event “A Date with DBS!”. The e-talk was hosted by Professor Prakash Kumar, Outreach Chair and attended by 46 participants, including local and overseas alumni, staff and students.
The speaker, Dr Adrian Loo (Science '97) is the Group Director of Wildlife Management and Senior Director of Community Projects, National Parks Board (NParks). He shared how NParks enforces illegal wildlife trade law to protect from illicit trafficking of wildlife and their parts such as ivory, pangolin scales. The Q&A session was robust with exchanges among the participants.
After the event, Ms Dhanushri Munasinghe (Science ‘07) wrote in to show appreciation for the organisers, “Thanks for organising this event! It was a fascinating talk by Dr Adrian. I enjoyed it, and it was a good excuse to connect with some of my old friends and colleagues after seeing them on the participant list!”
Find out more about Dr Adrian Loo here.
Submitted by Mr Steven Tan, Department of Biological Sciences.