Two-in-One Special on 6 July 2019

06 July

For many NUS Science alumni, this year’s Bukit Timah Homecoming had an added dimension as they held a reunion tean in celebration on the Faculty's 90th anniversary.

The reunion was organised by the Chemistry Department with support from both NUS Alumni Relations and NUS Science Dean’s Office. The organisers took the opportunity to showcase the artistic side of their fellow alumni.

NUS' former Registrar, Ms Joanna Wong ('63) of Cantonese Opera fame was a top Chemistry student graduating with a University Gold Medal. Ms Wong was present at the reunion, and fellow alumni enjoyed a video of her performance.

Dr Tan It Koon ('63) has left his mark in both government and quasi-government areas in high level administration, top scientific work and research. Dr Tan is also highly talented in music and art, and his paintings have  been exhibited and used in prestigious Scientific Journals. Dr Tan shared on his work in this area during the reunion.

The late Mr Goh Choo San ('69), who was an outstanding chemistry and biochemistry student who graduated with honors, had put Singapore on the world map. He was not only a great dancer, but also as a renowned choreographer. To remember Mr Goh, a video of his work was shown at the reunion. Mr Goh's brother-in-law Mr Daniel Teo attended the reunion, and alumni showed their appreciation for his family's generous gift of the Goh Choon San Science Merit Scholarship.

Other alumni who were present included former chemistry staff and Cabinet Minister Dr Tan Eng Liang ('61); Rhodes Scholar and Olympian, long serving Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Emeritus Professor Huang Hsing Hua ('55); former Science Dean (and also first women Public Service Commissioner) Professor Gloria Lim (55); former Head of Chemistry Department Prof Sim Keng Yeow ('60) and other former staff.

NUS Science Deputy Dean Professor Peter Ho ('96), Head of Department of Chemistry Professor Richard Wong, and Deputy Director of NUS Alumni Relations Ms Florence Neo (Arts and Social Sciences '93) also attended the reunion.


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