NUS Business School Launches LinkedIn Newsletter Launched in January 2023, NUS Business School’s LinkedIn newsletter, The Business Beat, offers monthly practical...
Duke-NUS Dialogue: The Signature Event for the Duke‑NUS Medical Alumni The Duke‑NUS Dialogues were conceived in late 2016 to promote Duke‑NUS Medical Alumni’s core mission...
Rethinking care in a fast-ageing society Researcher and NUS alumna Susana Concordo Harding (Public Policy ’09) explores how to tackle the...
Befriending Seniors at Blossom Seeds’ Charity Lunch Nearly 40 NUS Cares volunteers — comprising NUS alumni, Raffles Hall Alumni and NUS Students’...
A renewed senior leadership team at NUS Meet the key individuals who have been tasked to further propel NUS as a leading...
Meet the Faculty: Noorman Abdullah Dr Noorman Abdullah (Arts & Social Sciences ’02, MSocSci ’05) is a Senior Lecturer and...
The Stewards of Solidarity Outgoing NUS Alumni Advisory Board Co-Chairperson Mr Johnny Tan Khoon Hui (Science ’82) and new...
Brewing Excitement A traditional Chinese tea appreciation event with alumni proved to be a veritable a treat...
Charting the Future: Inaugural NUS Innovation Forum Takes Off in Manila Three panel discussions and a networking dinner facilitated the exchange of thoughts and opinions from...