48th BDS '71 Class Reunion in Penang

21 June

A total of 38 alumni from the Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) class of 1971, together with their spouses, arrived for their 48th reunion at G Hotel Kelawai, Penang from 21 to 23 June. The atmosphere at the welcome dinner was boisterous as alumni caught up with one another, and some of them had not seen each other since their graduation in 1971.

The next day, there was a Durian Farm visit and fruit tasting, followed by dinner at a Peranakan Restaurant.

The Class has had several class reunions:

  • 1992: Singapore (a S$100,000 Scholarship Fund was set up for NUS Dentistry for the Best 3rd Year Student)
  • 1996: Perth, Australia
  • 1998: Malacca, Malaysia
  • 2000: London, UK
  • 2001: Singapore
  • 2018: Perth, Australia
  • 2019: Penang, Malaysia
The 50th BDS class reunion will be held in Singapore.

Submitted by Dr Tay Seng Hui Peter ('71)

  • Others - Class of BDS'71
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