Can't Pay? Won't Pay! 《绝不付账》
Economic crises, accompanied by unreasonably huge increases in prices of food, utilities and other necessities in life, have driven people to turn to the last resort. Find out what happens in this farcical carnival of acts.
Mirror. Moon 《镜水月》
Across the white canvas of the stage, NUS Chinese Dance traces a journey through centuries of Chinese literature to reinterpret well-known classical poems through the language of dance.
Korea Now: Rest & Modern Feeling
Korea Now presents 2 dynamic young Korean choreographers, Lee Jae Young and Lee Insoo, in an exciting double-bill of two distinctly different works.
The Swing Thing
Step into the individual lives of talented undergrads and alums and find out what sets them apart in this closing multidisciplinary musical.
Solo / Duet
T.H.E Dance Company
9 & 10 Mar | 8pm | UCC Theatre | $23 & $19 
This programme is eligible for the Tote Board Arts Grant subsidy. All Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges, Centralised Institutes and the Institute of Technical Education (ITEs) may use the grant to subsidise up to 50% of the programme cost.
Featuring works by dancers who have travelled to various countries to work with established choreographers, this 2nd edition is helmed by Artistic Director Kuik Swee Boon and T.H.E Associate choreographer Kim Jae Duk. Solo / Duet offers the opportunity for a dancer to explore self within and without the context and constraints of culture.
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Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay! 《绝不付账》
NUS Chinese Drama
15 & 16 Mar | 8pm | UCC Theatre | $19 & $16
Performed in Mandarin with English surtitles

*Shows on 16 Mar have been sold out*
Set somewhere in Asia, Dario Fo’s uproarious comedy Can’t Pay? Won’t Pay! is translated and adapted by director Li Xie into Mandarin from the original Italian, and holds up a satirical mirror to these uncertain financial times.
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Mirror.Moon 《镜水月》
NUS Chinese Dance with
Guest Choreographer Wang Cheng
17 Mar | 8pm | UCC Hall | $23, $19 & $16 
Under the direction of Artistic Director and Resident Choreographer Ding Hong, together with the creative choreography by guest artist Wang Cheng (China), NUS Chinese Dance traces a journey through centuries of Chinese literature to reinterpret well-known classical poems through the language of dance.
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Korea Now: Rest & Modern Feeling
Lee Jae Young & EDx2 Dance Company
21 & 22 Mar | 8pm | UCC Theatre | $29 & $23 
This programme is eligible for the Tote Board Arts Grant subsidy. All Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges, Centralised Institutes and the Institute of Technical Education (ITEs) may use the grant to subsidise up to 50% of the programme cost.
Korea Now presents 2 dynamic young Korean choreographers, Lee Jae Young and Lee Insoo, in an exciting double-bill of distinctly different works Rest and Modern Feeling.
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And Then There Was One
spell#7 with NUS Students
9 - 10 Mar, 13 – 17 Mar and 20 & 22 Mar
5.30pm, 6pm, 6.30pm & 7pm.
Additional 5pm & 7.30pm shows on weekends
NUS Baba House, 157 Neil Road | $15 
*Kindly note that the shows on 21 March have been cancelled.
Who shot Baba Tan? In the back of his head no less. What did his beautiful sister and the dashing robber who has made a career of crime have to do with it? What is their twisted tale of money, passion and deceit?
There is only one way to find out…
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The Swing Thing
NUS Extraordinary Talents Directed by Jeremiah Choy
23 Mar | 8pm | UCC Hall | $29, $23 & $19 
This musical extravaganza brings together the diverse and wildly different talents of undergrads and alumni, in a story that looks into the life of an undergraduate undergoing uni life— the ups and downs, the dreams and aspirations, the delusions and the disappointments
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