The National University of Singapore (NUS) has long been a champion of climate action with its initiatives ranging from research into sustainability technologies to public advocacy on environmental issues. The University’s role in supporting Singapore’s wider sustainability strategy and global climate action efforts is even more crucial today. Researchers and scientists have been sounding alarm bells on the impact that climate change has made on communities worldwide.

By intertwining innovative research with comprehensive educational programmes, the University is cultivating a new generation of environmental stewards to pursue climate action around the globe. These initiatives stretch across the realms of biodiversity conservation, climate solutions, and marine protection, embodying a holistic approach that prepares students and the community to safeguard our planet.

Join us as we explore how NUS is shaping the path to a sustainable future through dedicated efforts in education, research, and community engagement — and how your contributions can support this mission further.

Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders Through Environmental Education

NUS offers a suite of comprehensive programmes designed to educate and empower the next generation of leaders in environmental sustainability. From in-depth studies in climate science to education in sustainable urban development, these programmes prepare students to address the pressing environmental challenges of our time. Each course is crafted to merge theoretical knowledge with practical application, fostering a cohort of graduates ready to implement sustainable solutions globally. 

1. Bachelor of Environmental Studies: Cultivating Environmental Leaders

The Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BES) at NUS is meticulously designed to address complex, modern environmental issues such as climate change and habitat conservation. The programme fosters a cross-disciplinary approach, blending knowledge from economics, technology, the social sciences, and public policy to develop innovative solutions that both effectively and compassionately address environmental issues. 

BES aims to produce not just environmental professionals but advocates and leaders who are scientifically informed and capable of generating sustainable solutions for both Singapore and the global community.

2. Sustainable Urban Development: An Interdisciplinary Approach

The Second Major in Sustainable Urban Development, offered by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, integrates cross-disciplinary expertise to address the challenges of urban development and its human impacts in the context of changing climate.

This programme teaches students to analyse the natural and built environments within urban areas and to apply economic, environmental, energy, and social theories to urban sustainability issues. With an emphasis on practical strategies for planning, policy, and regulation, this major prepares students to lead transformational changes in cities. In turn, this effort strives toward a long-term plan of fostering a sustainable future in the face of climate change.

3. Minor in Meteorology and Climate Science

Addressing the clear and present dangers of climate change, the Minor in Meteorology and Climate Science equips students with a foundational understanding of the physical processes that define the climate system. This minor is particularly timely, as the impacts of modern-day climate change, driven by human activities like CO2 production, pose existential threats to human society and the natural world. Students in this programme benefit from a rigorous curriculum supported by local investments in climate science research. This preparation equips them for impactful roles in government, industry, and beyond, particularly in addressing and mitigating the effects of climate change.

4. Graduate Programme in Climate Change and Sustainability

Launching in the 2024-2025 academic year, the new graduate programme in Climate Change and Sustainability is poised to train the next generation of environmental and industry leaders. The programme offers interdisciplinary training that combines climate change knowledge with sustainability interventions, providing students with the skills to analyse the relationships between climate change and sustainability effectively. This graduate programme is essential for those looking to lead in integrating adaptation, sustainability, and climate resilience into various sectors globally.

5. Master of Science in Sustainable and Green Finance

The Master of Science in Sustainable and Green Finance is designed to train finance professionals to address sustainability challenges that businesses and financial institutions face in Asia and globally. The curriculum enhances understanding of how financial practices can address sustainability challenges. It achieves this by integrating conventional finance models with social and environmental considerations. All of these empower students to make significant impacts on investment and business decisions, contributing to a more sustainable society and a greener planet.

Bridging Education and Action Through Philanthropy

Building on the strong educational foundation laid out in our diverse range of programmes, NUS extends its impact through strategic philanthropic efforts that amplify our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. These philanthropic initiatives not only bolster our academic programmes but also facilitate practical, real-world applications of the knowledge imparted in the classroom. 

As we transition from the academic details to the transformative influence of philanthropy, let us share how generous contributions are propelling critical environmental initiatives and supporting passionate students on their education journeys.

Catalysing Climate Action Through Philanthropy

Philanthropic efforts through NUS Giving are vital in spurring advancements in climate action and supporting diverse initiatives that provide practical solutions to environmental challenges. Through these contributions, students and the wider community engage deeply with sustainability issues, bringing academic insights into real-world practice.

A compelling example of this is the HSBC Climate Change and Biodiversity Programme (CCBP), funded by HSBC Singapore. This initiative is part of the HSBC Environment Discovery Programme at the NUS Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum and includes public workshops that delve into the implications of climate change on biodiversity. Another aspect, the HSBC-sponsored marine conservation workshops, educates participants on marine ecosystems, enhancing public awareness and fostering a commitment to environmental conservation.

Further illustrating the power of philanthropy, the story of Ms Regini Lee (Computing ’22), showcases the personal impact of giving. Inspired by her own challenges and the support she received from the University as a bursary recipient, Ms Lee made a gift to the Plant-It-Forward Challenge, which supports the Enhanced Financial Aid Scheme at NUS. Her generous contribution helped plant trees on campus and provide a tuition-free education to students in financial need, ensuring that financial barriers do not hinder passionate students from pursuing their dreams.

Philanthropy at NUS extends beyond workshops and initiatives. Donors can directly support students through specific financial aid schemes. Notable examples include named scholarships from benefactors such as the Percy McNeice PhD Scholarship for students specialising in biodiversity research; RenewSys – Enpee Group PhD Scholarship for students concentrating on solar energy research; and Equinix Masters Scholarship in Biodiversity Conservation and Nature-based Climate Solutions, awarded in recognition of outstanding Master’s students in the University’s Master of Science in Biodiversity Conservation and Nature-based Climate Solutions (MBCNCS) programme.

These funds have been endowed by donors intent on supporting the University’s forays into biodiversity, climate solutions, and sustainable development: a testament to the power an individual gift has to affect many.

These stories and sustainability initiatives in Singapore highlight the significant role of university philanthropy in supporting environmental education. By investing in education and community engagement, donors are actively participating in shaping a sustainable future, demonstrating that every contribution has the potential to make a lasting impact on global environmental challenges.