Credits and Acknowledgements
The project team would like to make the following acknowledgments:
Development of this interactive geovisualization platform for the project on “Linking the Digital Humanities to Biodiversity History in Singapore and Southeast Asia” is only possible thanks to the grant from the Singapore Social Science Research Council (SSRTG Type A).
Dr Anthony D. MEDRANO
Assistant Professor, Division of Social Sciences, Yale-NUS College
Principal Investigator
Senior Research Fellow, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Principal Investigator
Dr Darren YEO Chong Jinn
Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, National University
of Singapore & Deputy Head, Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, National
University of Singapore
Co-Principal Investigator
Dr FENG Chen-Chieh
Associate Professor, Department of Geography, National University of Singapore
Ms Elysia TOH
Research Associate, Yale-NUS College, National University of Singapore
Project Manager
Ms Tricia CHO
Research Assistant, Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, National University
of Singapore Animal
Database Curation
Ms Sheryl TEO Xue Le
Research Assistant, Yale-NUS College, National University of Singapore
Website Visuals
Ms Katherine Michelle ENRIGHT
Research Assistant, Yale-NUS College, National University of Singapore
Website Visuals
Principal Librarian (Digital Scholarship Manager), NUS Libraries, National
University of Singapore
Website Development and Framework Architecture
Mr TOH Li Heng
School of Computing, National University of Singapore
Website Development
Ms Rachel LAM Xin Yi
Department of Geography, National University of Singapore
Website and Map Design
Contributing Organisations
Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum (LKCNHM)
Animal Database Information
NUS Libraries
Historical Maps