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The 360imx is the latest proud addition to our lineup of immersive tech tools. First among Singapore academic institutions, the 360imx is a 6m wide, 2.4m high cylinder fitted with 6 WUXGA 5,100-lumen projectors and surround sound speakers, giving you the perfect wraparound sound and vision to engage and inspire your audience. It offers a fully immersive, collaborative space for visualising a range of content. Because groups of people can get inside, it’s creates a unique and unforgettable shared experience.
Practise real-time responses using simulated learning. Ideal for training, education and familiarisation.
Transport your audience to virtually anywhere in the world — the deep sea, outer space, tropical forest — for a truly engaging and inspiring experience.
There are so many ways to leverage the 360imx for a truly immersive and engaging experience. 360imx is located at Central Library Level 4. Contact us at for a discussion.
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