
With all that happens in Sheares, these group of people, better known as the Committees (or Comms, for short), are the ones running behind the scenes, ensuring every event turns out to be an amazing one. From Hall Concerts to formal dinners, to Inter-Hall Games, to Night Cycling and every other exciting events Sheares Hall has to offer, our Comms go the extra mile to make every event successful.


External Relations Committee (ERC)
A one-stop committee for communication with all external parties. Manages and promotes the public relations of Sheares Hall to incoming freshmen, as well as alumni relations. In charge of managing NUS Open Day, ImmerSH and other events that draw in incoming freshmen. Manages social media accounts for the hall on Instagram and Facebook.
Sheares Media (SHM)
Sheares Media provides high quality media coverage of the events in hall and engages Shearites through social media outreach on their Facebook, Youtube and Instagram @shearesmedia. SHM branches out into Photography, Videography, Content Strategy, Design and Web and aims to educate their members and facilitate their passions in media-related activities. All photos on this website is proudly provided by the members of SHM.
Sheares Production (SP)
A unique opportunity to explore the art of stage productions from the glamour and enjoyment of starring in a play to the hardwork and fulfilling hours put into producing one through stage, makeup and scripts.   

Student Engagement

Committee of Block Heads (COBH)
Coordinate between blocks and organise inter-block events to promote bonding and interaction across blocks. This group of passionate individuals also help to organise activities to promote block and hall bonding during the Sheares Welcome Orientation Camp. 
Block Committee
Every block, A to E, has a group of people that organise and coordinate block dinners, weekly block events, gatherings and overseas block trips to promote and encourage bonding within the block. They aim to create a fun-loving, tight-knit family within each block. 
Sheares Link (SL)
Sheares Link organises events that promotes bonding and interaction among Shearites across blocks with events like Sheares National Day Celebration, Night Cycling, Sheares Day and Seniors' Farewell that are hall-wide events. 
Dinner & Dance (DND)
D&D is the team behind EPILOGUE, the hallmark Dinner and Dance event of Sheares Hall where Shearites dress up to the nines and enjoy a night of good food and music while supporting their favourite pageant contestants from each block. 


Cultural Management Board (CMB)
This committee is in charge of orchestrating all cultural events in Sheares such as Good Luck Concert, Mixtapes, Shout and Rockfest. These concerts bring together every Shearite to enjoy a good night of music from our very own talented cultural groups. CMB also provides technical support for all events.
Sports Management Board (SMB)
SMB is in charge of sporting events such as organising the yearly Inter-Block Games with the help of the sports captain and managing all matters pertaining to sports. The team managers, sports equipment management as well as providing all forms of support to the sports teams in preparation for the Inter-Hall Games. They provide support both administratively and non-administratively to all 30 sports team in Sheares Hall.   

Community engagement, Student welfare and Amenities

Voluntary Corps (SHVC)
Organise sustainable voluntary opportunities ranging from day visits to long-term partnerships, engaging with a multitude of beneficiaries from the elderly to children. Events include DeepavaliSH, Blood Donation drives, Christmas Wonderland and Silver Homes 
Overseas Community Service Project (OCSP)
Plan programmes and hold fundraising events, with the end goal of embarking on a meaningful and memorable service-learning trip to serve overseas communities. 
Hall Welfare and Amenities Committee (HWAC)
Aims to promote bonding and improve the well-being of all Shearites through welfare pack giveaways, events and initiatives. Welfare given out this academic year include fresh, hot churros and a welfare pack near finals in our first semester.
An environmental committee that aims to educate and encourage Shearites, through various projects, to make a conscious effort to refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle. Check out their instagram page at @consheares 


Sheares Engagement Camp Committee (SECC)
SECC is responsible for the planning, fundraising and execution of the Sheares Engagement Camp that aims to introduce the hall culture to freshmen and give them a taste of what it is like to be a Shearite. Follow their instagram at @secc_official for updates on sign ups and camp dates! 
Sheares Welcome Orientation Committee (SWOC)
Responsible for organising the biggest camp in Sheares Hall that marks the official start of every Shearite's journey and welcomes freshmen to their new home.
This committee organises the performance and provides Shearites with the opportunity to help out through building floats or performing as a dancer during the NUS Rag & Flag Day.   

Junior Common Room Committee (JCRC)

The JCRC is the student arm assisting the SCRC and hall administration office in overseeing student life affairs and any other administrative duties.

What the public thinks of Shearites?
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Good Luck Supper 2021
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Dinner & Dance 2021
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SECC Rap 2021
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Good Luck Concert 2021
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Inter-Hall Games 2021
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IMAGE 2022-03-01 19:29:14