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Alethea (Block E)

Sheares is a place that allows me to step out of my comfort zone and try out new things such as being a performer. From block events to the plentiful welfare provided for us, Sheares has indeed exceeded my expectations. My experience in Sheares is truly one that I will never forget, along with the meaningful friendships forged. Sheares Hall, Family Hall!

- Alethea (Block E)

Cultural Leader (Band)

Samuel (Block A)

Staying in Sheares Hall for the past 4 years has allowed me to experience university in a whole different level. It allowed me to hone my leadership, atheletic and musical skills by offering a wide array of CCAs. Being in my last year, being the Director of Sports has truly brought me the greatest satisfaction ever as I am able to watch our athletes perform to their very best and knowing that I did my best in helping my perform to their fullest potential. Although we might not compete at the same as the sports halls, I believe we put up a good fight and I believe we do not need to compete as the same level as them. Sheares Hall prioritizes the interaction between each shearite and I believe these interaction separate us from other halls.

- Samuel (Block A)

Junior Common Room Committee (JCRC), Director of Sports (DOS)

Yi Shan (Block B)

Since entering Sheares, I have had the chance to try out different CCAs and meet so many new people, forming precious friendships. What makes Sheares special for me is the myriad of opportunities available for everyone to pick up new skills in their university life and the bustling student activities we have in our hall. There is never a dull moment in Sheares with block dinners, night cycling, concerts and impromptu suppers!

- Yi Shan (Block B)

Junior Common Room Committee (JCRC), Director of External Functions (DOEA)

Rais (Block D)

Sheares has been a home away from home for me, where its filled with so many activities for one to join and do and provides you with a welcoming community to be yourself in. Every year I was able to explore and try something new: from joining our Road Relay team and then later the SH Track team, to being able to act in our very own Sheares Production and even starting our very own Sheares Garden. It has provided me so many opportunities to develop myself in every field and has left me with so many fond memories of my university life. If you're an individual who desires growth and dares to reach for these new experiences then Sheares is definitely the place to be.

- Rais (Block D)

Ex-Block Head & Marketing IC

Rui Qing (Block C)

Sheares is the best place for you to try new things and form many friendships during the process. From steamboats and long talks with your neighbours to exciting block events and gaining fun experiences from your sports and committees, you will definitely gain something by being a Shearite. Sheares Hall, Family Hall. I am proud to be a Shearite, and I'm sure you will be too!

- Rui Qing (Block C)

OCSP Vice-Chairperson & Dean's Lister