Block Culture

Get to know the 5 blocks of Sheares Hall and their respective unique identities.

Waseem Khan

Block A has allowed me to meet many unique personalities where everyone embraces each others individuality and brings out the crazy and creativity in each other. From costume runways to exciting block events, I have made memories with the people here that i deeply treasure. No one goes unloved here and everyone is included in our one big fAmily, and being presented the opportunity to “Father” and take care of block A is one of my largest takeaways from my time here in Sheares.

- Waseem Khan

Block A Block Head

Wu Junn Houng

My time in Sheares has been absolutely phenomenal, and a huge part of what has made my time in Sheares so amazing is my block: Block B! We call ourselves Beekers, our block mascot is actually a seal, and we're the only block in Sheares to have our own pond (in the shape of a letter b no less)! When I first came into Sheares, I was apprehensive at the prospect of meeting so many new people and being introduced into the hyper-social hub of activity that is hall life. Luckily, the Beekers whom I met were nothing less than welcoming and forthcoming in making me and the rest of my batchmates feel right at home. This inclusivity and family-like spirit is what I believe makes Block B unique, and it is safe to say that Block B is an amazing place to make lifelong friends and have the time of your life! Beekers can always look forward to exciting block events every Tuesday, which help keep the block bonded and uplift everyone's spirits for the remainder of the week. Block B's block events are always a blast, and can get a bit chaotic at times (remember that pond I mentioned just now?), so Beekers know that their Tuesdays are always going to be filled with fun and laughter. Block B is an absolutely amazing place to spend your time in while in Sheares, and I'm sure Beekers past and present can attest to that as well. B B B B B is the Best!

- Wu Junn Houng

Block B Block Head

Eugene Tan Yang Zhi

🖤BLOCK C 🖤 has a long and rich history of being the block with the craziest experience one will ever get in Sheares! Amongst these trying times of pandemic, some things remain unchanged! Home to the most enthusiastic, the most spontaneous and the most exciting residents, there is no dull and boring day in Sheares when fellow CMEN are around! Loud and friendly CMEN will make their presence known and will not hesitate to drag you into this one big family on an exhilarating journey ahead. Block C prides itself not in the results that we can achieve, but more of the memories we create together. Nothing is as fun as the journey itself and in this rollercoaster yet memorable journey to instill this sense of belonging here, comfort is being created in this very premise. Through avenues like our weekly Block Events and other highkeys (STJ, JTS and NO77s), CMEN get to experience events the BLOCK C STYLE where the unpredictable is expected and the normal is uncommon! Taking our activities and event to the next level is what we strive for, and fun is guaranteed here in Block C! CMEN are here for a good time and a long time because ‘Once a CMEN, always a CMEN’! Lastly, Block C is not only the block with the craziest experience, but the comfortable home away from home. Through a one AY stay here in Block C, expect to find warmth and comfort in our shared experiences and trustworthy companions! If you are looking for an adventure in Sheares, Block C is the home to come to! 🖤C to the Chest! 🖤

- Eugene Tan Yang Zhi

Block C Block Head

Tan Xing Jie

Block D is known to be the sports block in Sheares. With 7 consecutive Inter-Block Game (IBG) wins and numerous athletes across different sports, it is no doubt that our Deeblockers excel greatly in the athletic field. However, that is not just what Block D is known for. Block D houses many culturally talented Deeblockers with dancers, singers, and musicians that showcase their talents during our very own concerts such as the Good Luck Concert. Deeblockers are also known to be very friendly, inclusive and welcoming. With exciting block events and fun neighbours, Block D creates an environment for people to really enjoy themselves amidst their busy schedules. This is why it is not surprising that Block D is regarded as a home to many of our very own Deeblockers. On a more personal note, being in Block D is one of the best things that has happened to me in Sheares. The experiences I’ve had are beyond what words can describe and the people here are super amazing. Block D feels like a home to me and I’m sure it will continue to be for many future batches to come. I love Block D

- Tan Xing Jie

Block D Block Head

Melvin Leong Shao Fong

During move-in day in my freshman year, I was warmly welcomed by my block e seniors. They offered help with moving belongings. Undoubtedly, it was more frightening than welcoming at the start, but this fear was very easily gone in a matter of days because of the spirit of the hall. It was evident from just spending a few days here that the hall culture is very strong. People that gather here are generally like-minded - always in high spirits and ready to mingle. And I think that is what makes Sheares hall, the hall that it is. A bustling little community of not more than 500, but each day is filled with fun and laughter. Another thing that Sheares hall stood out for me were their weekly events. It is something unique to the hall and these block events are the pride of the hall. Each block with their different personality has their own unique theme and culture for their events. For block E, we had several interesting events like a food eating competition, and a gambling night, with fake money, every CNY to celebrate the festive season. These events were also a good platform for everyone to meet more people. Block E is a family block. Part of the reason why we pride ourselves as a family block is because we are a heavily integrated block. In my 2 years here, the levels felt like a mere physical boundary as life-long friendships are forged all over the block, inter-levels. Having seen these people during the semester more than my own family, I really regard these people as my second family, the EEKER family. Always has been, always will be.

- Melvin Leong Shao Fong

Block E Block Head