Composition of the IRB

The NUS-IRB has a total of 23 members. 18 members are from various NUS faculties, 3 members are non-NUS affiliated lay-persons and 2 members are non-NUS affiliated scientists.

The current Co-Chairs of the NUS-IRB are:

     NUS-IRB Co-Chair (HBR)    NUS-IRB Co-Chair (SBER)  NUS-IRB Co-Chair (SBER)  
Name: Professor Paul TambyahAssociate Professor Martin Buist Professor Lorenz Goette 
Tel: (65) 6772 4375(65) 6516 5048 (65) 6516 3947 


Every NUS-IRB review meeting shall have a quorum of 5 members, with varying backgrounds to promote complete and adequate review of the research protocols submitted. 

Disciplines represented in the NUS-IRB are as follows:

Discipline of Endodontics, Operative Dentistry and Prosthodontics Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Malay Studies
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Department of Medicine Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
Dept of Built Environment Faculty of Law
Department of Philosophy
Dept of Psychology
Department of English Language and Literature
2 non-NUS affiliated scientists
Dept of Pharmacy
3 non-NUS affiliated lay-persons
Dept of Economics

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