Nature-based Climate Solutions

Nature-based climate solutions are climate mitigation strategies that harness natural processes to reduce or remove greenhouse gases, and include the conservation, restoration and protection of natural ecosystems, such as forests and wetlands.

The scale of these solutions can provide significant and cost-effective mitigation of CO2 emissions.

The identification of nature-based climate solutions has been recognised as an integral component of Singapore’s national climate defence strategy.

Our Approach

NUS established the Nature-based Climate Solutions Centre, comprising of researchers across different disciplines, departments and faculties, with a mission to produce policy-relevant science on nature-based climate solutions to tackle climate change by protecting and better managing natural ecosystems (e.g. biodiversity, coastal engineering, green space, etc).


In addition, we also address knowledge gaps, build capacity and deliver pragmatic solutions and innovations to inform climate policies, strategies and actions. These outcomes will empower government and corporate leaders of Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region to respond decisively to climate change for the overarching goal of achieving a carbon-neutral economy and stable global climate.


Nature-based climate solutions exploit the processes that exist throughout nature to address key climate-related issues. Enhancement and protection of existing ecology towards the mitigation of climate change impacts remains a major focus at NUS.  



Koh Lian Pin

  • Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
  • Director, Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions
  • Director, Tropical Marine Science Institute
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