The Inaugural LKYSPP Alumni Chapter Presidents’ e-Summit

25 July

With the majority of LKYSPP alumni based overseas, LKYSPP’s alumni leaders have an especially important role to play in fostering a sense of community and connection. Therefore, this July, the School convened the Presidents of LKYSPP Alumni Chapters from across the world to connect virtually, share ideas and inspire one another.

On 25 July 2020, 18 Presidents and Vice-Presidents from 17 Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) alumni chapters across the world connected on Zoom at 8pm (Singapore time) for the inaugural LKYSPP Alumni Chapter Presidents’ e-Summit. The Presidents of NUS Alumni Manila Chapter and Toronto Chapter, who are also LKYSPP alumni, attended the Summit too.

Organised by the School’s Alumni Relations Team, this bi-annual e-summit serves as a source of inspiration and new ideas for chapter leaders, as well as a platform for them to seek updates and clarifications from the School. 

Five chapters - Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines, Shanghai and Vietnam - shared their best practices and provided insightful reviews of their respective chapters’ progress, events and initiatives. Strengthening the bonds within the alumni community and giving back to society were at the heart of many of our alumni chapters’ activities.

Mulya Amri ('16), President of LKYSPP Alumni Indonesia Chapter, shared photos and highlights from the Chapter’s annual event to send off new students to NUS, and welcome new alumni returning from Singapore.

Nadeem Muhammad ('09), President of LKYSPP Alumni Pakistan Chapter, shared the initiatives that the Chapter undertook to engage alumni in the three biggest cities in Pakistan: Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore.

Jamie Duque-Daileg ('16), President of LKYSPP Alumni Philippines Chapter, talked about how the Chapter joined forces with NUS Alumni Manila Chapter to raise approximately PHP 80,000 for the purchase and distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and related medical supplies for the frontline health workers battling Covid-19 in government hospitals around Metropolitan Manila.

Zhu Jianhao ('06), Vice-President of LKYSPP Alumni Shanghai Chapter, spoke about the variety of events the Chapter has organised, from vigorous fundraising activities to active communication and cooperation with Singapore communities, such as the Singapore Consulate in Shanghai, the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and EDB’s Singapore Global Network. As alumni of a policy school, they also contributed to social and economic progress by carrying out academic research on real-world issues and offering policy suggestions to the government.

Philanthropy plays a crucial part in keeping the alumni in Vietnam together. Bui Kim Thuy ('14), President of LKYSPP Alumni Vietnam Chapter, shared with the rest that the Community Library, built and run by the Chapter’s Vice-President Harry Pham ('17), has provided a local disadvantaged community with access to quality education. The Chapter has raised significant support for this project.

LKYSPP's alumni chapters pursue different plans and launch different activities to cater to different needs. However, they are united in working towards the same goals, namely to connect alumni with one another, keep them connected to LKYSPP and NUS, and help them maintain their connection with Singapore.

Submitted by Ms Sun Peiyi.

  • Alumni Group - Lee Kuan Yew School Alumni Chapter (Singapore)
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