Senior Retention

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LightHouse values the community spirit among our residents and hopes that residents had the opportunity to make meaningful connections with their peers, regardless of the duration they have spent in LightHouse. Befitting the idea of having a stress-free and non-competitive method in determining the eligibility criteria of Returning Seniors,  we conceived a method where this evidence of connectedness among residents could be showcased. 

By having 3 fellow LightHouse residents serving as your endorsers, they would be able to vouch for the authentic connections that you have made during your stay here, and vice-versa. These endorsements would paint a broader picture on how the LightHouse model suits you, your motivations to stay on and your willingness to connect with your peers. Now that you had the chance to stay in LightHouse, we wanted to hear about your growth and experiences within LightHouse, and hence your fellow LightHouse peers would be excellent endorsers for you.

AY2526 Senior Retention Timeline

LightHouse Senior Retention for AY25/26 begins on 10 February 2025.
For students who intend to continue staying in LightHouse for the next AY, please take note of the following details and criteria.

Each applicant is required to personally submit 1 application form and have 3 endorsements submitted (on their behalf). Submission will be made via NUSync.

The links for applications are:

Application Form:
Endorsement Form:

Each LightHouse resident is only allowed to receive 3 unique endorsements and/or endorse* a maximum of 3 applicants.

  • If an applicant receives more than 3 endorsements, only the first 3 endorsements received will be considered (filtered by timestamp).
  • If a resident endorses more than 3 applicants, only the first 3 endorsements will be valid (filtered by timestamp).

*The endorser can be any current LightHouse student, regardless whether he/she intends to stay the next AY.

Should there be an oversubscription, places will be balloted among all applicants.

Students offered a place for AY25/26 must apply via UHMS during the first round of application (dates to be confirmed), where your 1st and 2nd choice submitted must be LightHouse-Non-Aircon and LightHouse-Aircon (or vice-versa, according to preference). Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of your placement.