Iced Milo, Kopi, Teh?

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Iced Milo, Kopi, Teh?

A familiar scene where uncles and aunties gather at the coffeeshop over their favourite drinks to share about life and chat about current affairs. At LightHouse, we hope to see similar gatherings flourish with trendsetting ideas, ground shifting policies or simply to have a good laugh. Our fireside chats attract visionary speakers who inspire and share stories that give a fresh perspective on life, and our House-wide events are where you can vibe with your friends, enjoy good food and just be yourselves. And yes, you are allowed to dream, day or night. So, bring your own drink, preferably ‘siu dai’, and be more in tune than the uncles and aunties!

Featuring Voyager's Cafevoyager

“The real voyage of discovery consists, not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." - Marcel Proust. 

Voyager’s cafe began with a vision to create an inclusive community for all. With a mission of community development in mind, Voyager’s cafe was created as a space to gather together for a social cause. The idea was to bring unique individuals with a shared conviction together, and work to empower those within our community. 

As of late, we set our sights on the indispensable team of service staff serving the LightHouse community, and hope to gather awareness and cultivate gratitude for their efforts to keep our residences safe and clean. Let us see where the journey will take us.

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