Ariba Opportunities

Suppliers must have a standard SAP Ariba account to participate in opportunities published in Ariba.

Suppliers should pay special attention to the closing date and time (Singapore Time zone) and ensure that they have sufficient time to upload all their proposals and supporting documents.

Supplier must be registered with National University of Singapore in order to be awarded the opportunity and issued the purchase order.

Note that during this transition period, we will be publishing procurement opportunities on both SESAMi and SAP Ariba. We seek your kind understanding to check for procurement opportunities on SESAMi and SAP Ariba




Description Search



There are 845 opportunities relevant to your search:

Document No. Description Publish Date Close Date Status
Doc2392728744 ITQ for the dismantling, removal, and disposal of the existing audio system, as well as the supply, delivery and installation of a new audio system at Eusoff Hall send-icon
Category: Audio and visual equipment
11/02/2025 16:00 19/02/2025 16:00 Open
Doc2392895680 Invitation to Quote for the supply of logistics, equipment and manpower for OVERDRIVE Arts Carnival send-icon
Category: Events management
10/02/2025 18:00 17/02/2025 16:00 Open
Doc2399889806 Photoelectric Effect Apparatus send-icon
Category: Laboratory and scientific equipment
10/02/2025 13:00 17/02/2025 16:00 Open
Doc2396653651 Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of One (1) Unit of Standard Dual-Zone CVD with Microscope System send-icon
Category: Laboratory and scientific equipment
10/02/2025 00:00 17/02/2025 16:00 Open
Category: Microplate readers
07/02/2025 14:00 17/02/2025 15:00 Open
Doc2393016340 Provision of Graphic Design Services, Fabrication, Installation, and Handling of Mind Art Experiential Lab (MAELab)’s Digital Mental Health exhibition send-icon
Category: Exhibitions
07/02/2025 11:00 13/02/2025 16:00 Open
Doc2396444824 ITQ for Supply and Delivery of Linens to Executive Centre and Valous House, managed by Campus Life - Housing Services (CLHS), through University Campus Infrastructure (UCI) send-icon
Category: Bedclothes and table and kitchen linen and towels,Bath towels
07/02/2025 10:27 14/02/2025 16:00 Open
Doc2394457751 ITQ for the Provision of Golf Event Package for Charity Golf Tournament for RVRC, NUS send-icon
Category: Events management
06/02/2025 18:00 14/02/2025 16:00 Open
Doc2394417030 Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing of and Training for, One Unit of 96-Well Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction, One Unit of Imaging System for Western Blotting, One Unit of Western Blotting Instrument System & One Unit of Thermal Cycler PCR System send-icon
Category: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) system,Laboratory electrophoresis and blotting system and supplies,Temperature cycling chambers or thermal cyclers,Dental imaging equipment and supplies
06/02/2025 17:25 17/02/2025 16:00 Open
Doc2394356666 Provision of Upgrading Works to the Audio-Visual (AV) System NUS Enterprise send-icon
Category: Audio visual equipment accessories
06/02/2025 17:00 21/02/2025 16:00 Open