Recent SCAM email alert received from Duke-NUS

21/08/2023 09:53 AM

Be vigilant against email scam

Dear Suppliers, 

We would like to bring to your attention that there was a recent scam email, alerted by Duke-NUS. 

There was a scammer impersonating as Duke-NUS staff (procurement buyer) who identified herself as “Tracey Chong” <>. She had requested vendor to provide company/bank information for registration and even issued a PO to the vendor. 

NUS domain name ( is an integral part of our identity used in email and applications, which may be the target of attacks such as setting up look-alike domains to deceive the community and our institutional partners.

For example, or reference on NUS email domains ( 

NUS-Duke staff’s email:
Yale-NUS staff’s email:

Any sender claiming to be from NUS but doesn’t appear to be using our email domain or sub-domains, should be treated as suspicious and must be verified. If you are unsure, please check with your user or Business Partner to clarify. 

NUS Central Procurement Office