Smoking/Vaping Cessation Programme

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable diseases with smoking-related mortality on the rise. A vast majority of smokers wish to quit but often find it difficult to do so.

Vaping, has also been a notoriously rising trend in Singapore, even in the Universities. With misconceptions and mistruths floating around, people who vape are not aware of the harm it brings.

If you would like to set realistic goals towards a vape/smoke-free plan and stay tobacco-free, email us at for a consultation with our doctors.



Choose Health, Ditch the vape

Debunking Law-related Mistruths regarding Vaping

Uncovering the Mistruths about Vaping and Health

Vaping Mistruths regarding Addiction

Street Interview on Vaping (Video 1)

Street Interview on Vaping (Video 2)

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