If I Am Feeling Suicidal

Date: Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Suicidal thoughts can occur to anyone at any point in their life. You may never have expected that you would be affected and you may be at a loss. Keeping yourself safe and letting someone know how you’re coping are important first steps in getting through a suicide crisis.


Keeping yourself safe

  • Postpone any urge to end your life. You may find your mood changing if you wait for these feelings to lessen.
  • Remove anything in your surroundings which may be used to harm yourself on an impulse. Alternatively, move out of reach of these items.
  • Stay around other people and let them know how you're coping.
  • Keep the contact numbers of hotlines and people you’re close with on speed dial. Call them just to hear a voice.
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol. They intensify low moods and impair decision-making.
  • If you feel you may be at immediate risk of harming yourself, call 995 or approach the A&E department of your nearest hospital.

Letting someone know

Approach an adult you trust and with whom you are close. It may be a family member, friend, community leader, teacher, etc. 

Tell them what you are thinking of, or at least how you are feeling. Let them know you are struggling and at a loss.

Be prepared for their reaction. They will want to help but may be startled or react emotionally. Let them know you want to work things out but can’t do it alone.  

Ask them to help you find additional support in person, online or on the phone.


Things can change for the better

Most importantly, seek support from mental health or counselling professionals if you feel suicidal or anticipate recurring suicidal thoughts.

They can work together with you in creating a long term safety plan or finding ways to cope with difficult experiences, situations, or emotions.

Credit By: Samaritans of Singapore (SOS)
Source: https://www.sos.org.sg

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