Mr Nelson Wong, Head of Network, NUS IT (fourth from left) and his Network Team accepting the award for Best in Future of Connectedness at the 7th IDC Future Enterprise Awards 2023.

Defining the future of connectedness with NUSNET6

NUS IT celebrated a big win at the 7th IDC Future Enterprise Awards 2023 in October – an award recognising Singapore’s most outstanding innovators. NUS IT won in the category of “Best in Future of Connectedness” for its work on NUSNET6.

Since its launch, NUSNET6 has revolutionised connectivity on campus by integrating into the existing network Wi-Fi 6 technology, which guarantees swift connections and bolsters security. The network facilitates real-time crowd monitoring, enhances compliance to policies, and provides robust network reliability.

The NUS network serves approximately 50,000 unique wired clients and 200,000 unique wireless clients daily. With the implementation of NUSNET6, students, faculty, and staff now enjoy lightning-fast and dependable wireless connectivity, fostering a dynamic and immersive learning environment.

“Our vision is to build a ‘Borderless University, Powered by Infinite Technology,” shared Ms. Tan Shui-Min, Chief IT Officer, NUS. “We strongly believe that technology can lead NUS to transcend borders and extend its sphere of global influence in the digital realm. Constantly prompting ourselves to be agile, innovative, and to push boundaries, we are committed to achieving a new digital frontier for education, research, and administration by providing reliable, high-performance and secure IT infrastructure, effective IT governance, and services for the university.”

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