
Empowering staff to be future-ready

The University has embarked on an ambitious, farsighted initiative to equip staff with the necessary skills to be digitally ready for the workplace of the future. The NUS Data Literacy Programme, which covers the areas of Analytics and Computational Modelling as well as Data Visualisation techniques, will be rolled out from the first quarter of 2020 to all Executive and Administrative (Grade 1 to 6) staff.

Kick starting the programme was a Leaders Kick-off Workshop held on 26 November at i4.0 attended by 40 senior administrators. The Data Science & Artificial Intelligence session was conducted by AI Singapore (AI SG) in partnership with NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education.

“Data is now the new resource for all organisations”, said NUS President Professor Tan Eng Chye, who opened the session. “All organisations including NUS need to have a higher level of data literacy to unlock these resources.” He also emphasised the importance of understanding the broader digital transformation in the industry, in the areas of AI, IOT etc. so as to adopt some of the digital transformation to improve our work efficiency.   

Mr Laurence Liew, Director for AI Industry Innovation at AI SG, who was the trainer at the session, explained the key trends and applications of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, and how the applications can be employed in the respective departments. The workshop also covered how techniques like deep learning and neural networks are rapidly changing the competitive landscape and reshaping end-user experience. Four AI and automation projects, which had been successfully deployed in the healthcare and banking industries, were showcased at the session. 

Participants at the Leaders Kick-off Workshop found the session interesting and useful as it enhanced their understanding of AI and its applications. They also noted that it was important and necessary to embrace AI.

“Even as we advocate lifelong learning to students, we should extend it to all staff,” Prof Tan highlighted. “Learning should be a key differentiator in our value proposition as an employer.”

The introduction of the NUS Data Literacy Programme is indeed timely and beneficial to staff. It underscores NUS’ commitment to prepare staff to be future ready to support Singapore’s vision of a Smart Nation and a global digital powerhouse.



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