Kevin (left) and Mandy spearheaded the review of NSWS policies to streamline and automate processes for student hires on campus
Mandy Ng
Deputy Director
OE Transformation Unit
Kevin Wee
Senior Manager
Centre for Future-ready Graduates

OE heroes: Thriving in a world of constant change

To prepare students and enable them to thrive in a world of constant change, the University encourages them to be self-reliant and gain work experience on campus.

In September 2019, the NUS Student Work Scheme (NSWS) policies were reviewed and a digital platform was developed to streamline and automate processes for student hires. The new system facilitates student access to campus job postings and corresponding pay rates online, as well as track the work hours on a mobile timesheet to expedite the claims submission and approval processes. Concurrently, the pay rates were also revised to align with employment market trends.  

Rolled out in two phases, the enhanced modular NSWS system offers features such as Job Advertisement, Job Application, Job Offer, Student Timesheet and Payment. Throughout the project phases, the NSWS team actively engaged students and staff through roadshows and focus group discussions to seek their inputs and socialise the changes. The system was launched in January 2020 and a demo of the one-stop resource portal was presented to staff who attended the launch. 

Mandy Ng, Project Lead and Deputy Director at OETU explained that the team adopted the ‘agile’ project management methodology which follows an organised, yet reactive application of knowledge and techniques to meet user requirements amid potentially changing circumstances. “With close collaboration and support from our NUS IT colleagues, we managed to turn the project around in less than four months, despite using different platforms with multiple functions to develop the system. The changes to NSWS is impactful as it affects the administration, research and teaching functions,” Mandy said.

Kevin Wee, Co-Project Lead and Senior Manager from CFG observed that the new NSWS system has contributed to an increase in student job applications. “As of mid-February 2020, we have 1,037 students enrolled via the platform and 1,563 job vacancies,” he shared.

Students can look forward to an enhanced user experience and features such as digitised job application and a mobile timesheet app with tracking functions. Timesheets are processed upon approval by the Job Supervisor and payment is received within days. With streamlined processes and an automated workflow, the NSWS system can generate an estimated annual cost savings of $130,000 for the University. To find out more, please visit


The NSWS team (from left): Low Zhiqi, Senior Manager (OETU); Ong Hui Tian, Assistant Manager (OETU); Siti Nurain Binte Abdul Hamid, Assistant Manager (OETU); Seet Li Peng, Senior Manager (OETU); Mandy Ng, Deputy Director (OETU); Kevin Wee, Senior Manager (CFG); Will Tan, Senior Manager (NUS IT); Ng Jun Da, Manager (NUS IT); Royston Chiew, Senior Manager (OETU); and Sharon Ang, Manager (CFG) who is not in the photo

OE is a strategic initiative undertaken by the University to develop best practices for an efficient and world-class administration to better support NUS’ Vision and Mission. It aims to bring about improved work processes and policies as well as create opportunities for talent development and growth.


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