Samuel created a RPA programme that generates new staff profiles
Office of Human Resources

OE heroes: Pushing the Frontiers of Recruitment Technology

Samuel Lee, Manager from the Office of Human Resources (OHR) always had an interest in programming. When he joined OHR’s Digitisation Office, he was excited to find that part of his tasks involved exploring the use of Artificial Intelligence technology for human resource processes.

Samuel observed that a key part of the University’s recruitment journey involved the creation of digital P-files or staff profiles for new hires within the Electronic Document Management System. The process involved generating a list of new employee information from the HR SAP system with the relevant data filtered, before producing these P-files.

The large volume of P-files generated across the University inspired Samuel to programme a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) software to manage the P-file creation process. The software enables the RPA ‘bot’ to extract relevant staff data from a spreadsheet of new employee information, and create P-files under the respective staff schemes and department folders. Staff IDs are also churned out simultaneously. The RPA programme can produce an average of over 200 new staff profiles within one hour, and set to run even after office hours.

Along the way, Samuel encountered various hurdles such as website security blocks, for example the 2FA feature that prevents automation. The RPA tool, WorkFusion, also   has certain programming limitations.

Through diligent self-learning from online forums and video tutorials on YouTube, Samuel overcame these challenges, sharing that it is relatively easy to create or replicate an automation tool using WorkFusion. “I believe that if there is enough interest on an individual’s part, it can be done. The process was enjoyable for me and I felt a great sense of achievement that came from the positive impact this programme had on my team, as well as across the University,” he said.

With the RPA ‘bot’ currently replacing the manual creation of P-files, OHR’s Shared Services team is able to improve its manpower flexibility and focus on strategic work. Samuel is confident that the successful adoption of RPA technology in the recruitment process could pave the way for more automated application in high-volume, repetitive tasks across the University.  

OE is a strategic initiative undertaken by the University to develop best practices for an efficient and world-class administration to better support NUS’ Vision and Mission. It aims to bring about improved work processes and policies as well as create opportunities for talent development and growth.


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