Victim Care and Support

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NUS Care Unit (NCU)

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual misconduct of any kind, you can reach out to the NUS Care Unit (NCU) to seek help and advice from a trained care professional. NCU is here to lend a helping hand to provide both emotional and practical support:

NCU Helpline +65 6601 4000 (Available 24/7)
Confidential Help Form

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 999. For medical emergencies, get help at the nearest hospital.

What You Can Do To Help Yourself

Just as proper care aids in the healing of wounds in our bodies, so too can we help our bodies recover from traumatic experiences. Here are some self-care tips:

  • Be accepting of your feelings. What you are feeling is a normal reaction to trauma. Taking your time to recognize and process it can be an effective way of overcoming your fears or worries.
  • Live healthy. Eat healthy foods, get sufficient sleep, exercise regularly, and avoid alcohol. Maintain a balanced diet with plenty of water intake.
  • Spend time with your loved ones. It is important that you maintain your relationships with close ones, especially in times of crisis.
  • Speak to trusted individuals or join a support group. It is comforting to receive physical and emotional support from other people.
  • Find ways to relax and remain active. Engage in leisure activities or interests such as taking walks, listening to music, and practicing yoga or meditation.
  • Familiar routes can be very comforting. Continue with your regular routine or try to return to it, if possible.
  • Defer major decisions. Postpone making major decisions or major life changes to a later time when you are more ready for them. Judgement tends to be more objective and satisfying when they are made
  • Seek professional help. A trained care professional is someone who works in close partnership with you to personalize a range of support you may need.