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We have three types of accommodation

  • 4-bedroom apartment
    The four single bedroom apartment includes a common shower and toilet facilities, a common living area and a dry kitchen shared among the graduate students. The common living area is well ventilated with a ceiling fan, equipped with sofa, a shoe rack and a dining table while the dry kitchen comes with a sink, microwave and a fridge. Each single room is equipped with a single bed, a ceiling fan, a writing desk and chair, a bookshelf, a wardrobe and a mobile pedestal. Living in a suite promotes interactive bonding and cultural exchanges as they get to communicate with students from various faculties and nationalities. A common writing glass panel at the common living area allows resident to write notes for fellow residents enhancing their relationship with one another.
  • Studio Apartment (Single/ Twin-Sharing)

Studio apartment is a self-contained apartment, ideal for married couples and graduate students, the UTown studio apartments (single) are designed to include a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room and a separate bedroom. The living room consists of a sofa, book shelves, TV console and a dining table. The bedroom has a ceiling fan a queen size bed, a writing desk and a wardrobe. The kitchenette is equipped with stoves and other kitchen utensils which residents can utilise for cooking their own meal instead of eating out. While the furniture provision may differ for the twin-sharing studio apartments compared to the usual studio apartments.

A picture of the bedroom in the Twin-Sharing Studio Apartment
