iRIMS-IBC (Hazard Safety)

iRIMS-IBC (Hazard Safety) manages the submission, review and approval of project risk assessments.

With effect from 17 Sep 2024, NUS Principal Investigators shall submit through iRIMS-IBC (Hazard Safety) their project risk assessments related to research grant safety review and approval by any of the following safety committees:

  1. NUS Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) for life science related projects;
  2. NUS Institutional Laboratory Safety Committee (ILSC) for non-life science related projects;
  3. NUSMed Biosafety Level 3 Biosafety Committee (BBC) for Biosafety Level 3 projects at NUSMed BSL3 facility;
  4. Duke-NUS Animal Biosafety Level 3 Biosafety Committee (ABC) for Biosafety Level 3 projects at Duke-NUS BSL3 facility.

For more information, you can access here.


    1. Device specifications for optimal iRIMS-IBC experience:
      • Display with 1024x768 or higher resolution.
      • Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox for Windows and Mac.
      1. iRIMS-IBC (Hazard Safety) in three ways:
        1. Key in in your web browser
        2. Access via webpage of Safety & Health Unit of ORMC
        3. Access via eServices in NUS staff portal; Click on Academic Staff Services >> Research >> iRIMS
      2. The following login prompt will be displayed. Enter your NUS email on this screen and your NUS email password on the next screen. You may then be prompted to enter the two numerical digits shown on the screen into your mobile Authenticator App.
      3. Upon successful login, click on the “Products” (located on the top right-hand side of the screen) dropdown list to access the module.
  1. Details on how to use iRIMS-IBC (Hazard Safety) system can be found in the User Guides.

What's New?

17 Sep 2024

Launch of iRIMS-IBC (Hazard Safety) module