
Loh Boon Chye & Family SEP Awards

These awards were created through a generous donation from Mr Loh Boon Chye, an NUS alumnus. Mr Loh holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree from NUS. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the Singapore Exchange (SGX). Mr Loh believes in the value that a Student Exchange Programme (SEP) adds to one’s undergraduate education and hopes to support financially-needy students for SEP to the United Kingdom, the United States of America and China.


The awards are valued from S$3,000 to S$6,000 depending on financial need and regardless of exchange location (UK, USA or China).

Eligibility Criteria

  • Open to Singaporeans
  • Students with per capita gross monthly household income (PCI) of S$2,200 and below for the academic year of the exchange programme, will be considered. Please refer to the information under application procedure.
  • Per capita gross monthly household income refers to the total gross monthly income of all those living in the household divided by the number of people in the household.
  • For NUS students selected to go on exchange in a partner university in the UK, USA or China
  • Applicants must submit an application. Applicants will be selected on a needs-basis. Where there is competition, preference may be given to students of higher academic standing

Terms and Conditions

  • This award must not be concurrently held with another exchange award
  • Award recipients are expected to assist in the promotion of SEP by participating in events organized by the Global Relations Office, networking sessions and sharing of SEP experiences at various platforms
  • All award recipients are encouraged to attend the SEP Ambassador Programme and are expected to be NUS ambassadors. Recipients must complete the Returnee Survey, and submit a SEP report
  • Award recipients are expected to pen a personal letter of appreciation to Mr Loh Boon Chye for the Award

Application Period

Application period: 1 April 2025 till 15 May 2025 for SEP in AY2025/26 

Application Procedure

NUS students selected by your faculty or school for SEP to UK, USA or China and with per capita gross monthly household income (PCI) of S$2,200 and below are eligible to apply.

Ensure that you have applied for financial aid with the Office of Financial Aid via here before applying for this award.

Apply for this award via the myEduRec under Global Education


The results for the awards will be available some time in June 2025.


The award will be disbursed at the beginning of each semester (August for Semester 1 and January for Semester 2).


For further queries on the award, please contact us via nasa@nus.edu.sg