Special Global Programmes

16th SSUE - China Programme

What is this programme about?

Grab the opportunity to explore China & network with students from top Chinese universities

The prestigious Sino-Singapore Undergraduate Exchange (SSUE) Programme is spearheaded by the respective Ministries of Education (MOE) of Singapore and China. It is a G-G (Government-to-Government) Tertiary Exchange Programme between Singapore and China. It was the brainchild of Singapore’s then Prime Minister Mr Goh Chok Tong, who proposed this programme to the People's Republic of China (PRC) then Vice-President Mr Hu Jintao in April 2002. The programme was formally established on 29 May 2002.

The SSUE programme aims to help NUS students gain a global perspective and a better understanding of China and its potential. It also exposes Chinese students to aspects of Singapore life, education and culture. In addition, the programme creates opportunities for networking and interaction between the Chinese and Singaporean participants. On a higher level, it helps to strengthen bilateral ties between Singapore and China. Many student participants become exemplary ambassadors of NUS and Singapore during the programme.

When does it take place?

The programme consists of two parts:

  • A 15-day China programme (hosted by the PRC MOE and the participating Chinese universities) from 27 May to 10 June 2019.
  • A 15-day Singapore programme (hosted by the Singapore MOE and the participating Singapore universities; NUS will usually host the delegates for 2 days) from 19 July to 2 August 2019.

Where does it take place?

  • China leg: Chengdu, Sichuan and Changsha, Hunan.
  • Singapore leg: On NUS campus and around Singapore.

Which are the participating universities?


    Chengdu, Sichuan
  • Sichuan University
  • University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)

  • Changsha, Hunan
  • Hunan University
  • Hunan Normal University


  • National University of Singapore (NUS)
  • Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
  • Singapore Management University (SMU)
  • Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)

What is the programme content?

  • Academic lectures
  • Visits to participating universities
  • Networking sessions with local students
  • Cultural exchange
  • Excursions to places of interests
  • Visits to government organisations and private companies

What are the arrangements for student accommodation?

  • For the China leg, students will stay in hotels arranged by the Ministry of Education (China).
  • The incoming Chinese delegates will stay in a hotel arranged by the Ministry of Education (Singapore).

What does it include?

  • 60% of the airfare
  • In-country travel
  • Accommodation
  • Excursions
  • Majority of meals

How much does it cost?

  • Each participant is only required to pay 40% of the airfare (not more than S$800; including a S$100 deposit, payable upon acceptance into the programme)
  • Additional changes to flights or duration of stay: Up to S$500 (estimated; however, this can vary significantly)
  • Personal Expenses: S$20 per day (estimated; however, this can vary significantly based on personal spending habits)

Are NUS study and travel grants available?

No, as this programme is heavily subsidised through the funds from the Sino-Singapore Undergraduate Exchange Programme.

What are the eligibility requirements?

  • Singapore citizen or permanent residents (non-PRC-nationals);
  • Aged 25 and below;
  • Preferably Year 2 or Year 3 undergraduate at the time of application;
  • Articulate, confident, open-minded and eager to learn and share knowledge;
  • Pleasant personality and a team player;
  • Demonstrates interest in China and its culture;
  • Must FULLY COMMIT to all aspects of the programme; and
  • Preferably hold a special talent(s) or skill(s), such as singing, playing musical instruments, drama, photography, IT and designing skills.


Non-Chinese and non-Mandarin speaking students are welcome to apply. However, do take note that most of the talks, seminars and dialogue sessions held during the China leg of the programme will be conducted in Mandarin.

Is visa required?

Only students who are extending their stay beyond the programme will require a visa.

How do I apply?

Please apply for the progamme at Education Records System (EduRec) by 24 February 2019. To find the programme in system, please search using setup ID: 00960.

Click here to learn more about last year's programme.


For additional information or related queries, please contact us via the NUS Global Enquiry Form.