Giving News

This section covers campus life and events, University challenges and policies, innovations in science, teaching, learning advancements and national and international news.

NUS Medicine and Lien Foundation establish early childhood centre with gift

Established with a generous gift of S$30 million from the Lien Foundation, the Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development, will provide a multi-disciplinary approach to improve the health and developmental outcomes of children in Singapore and beyond.

Supporting Medical Education

The Goh Keng Swee Foundation made a generous gift of S$1.2 million in support of medical education at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.

Grooming NUS students

NUS Giving Experience Leadership Series: Molecular Tools to Heal the Heart with Professor Roger Foo

At an NUS Giving Experience session, Prof Roger Foo shared how molecular tools and gene therapy can combat heart diseases.

Supporting the Next Generation of Dentists

The dentistry community came together to raise funds for a bursary in honour of Emeritus Professor Chew Chong Lin

Commencement Class Giving 2021 Awards Ceremony – Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow

Top Class Champions and NUS Faculties, Schools and Halls of Residence were recognised in the Commencement Class Giving 2021 Awards.

Up Close with the NUS Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum

Guests enjoyed a rare glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes at the NUS Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum.

“Seeding Future Changemakers”: Unveiling the new NUS Giving brand identity

The NUS Development Office introduced the new brand identity for its NUS Giving campaign at a launch event themed “Seeding Future Changemakers” on 16 Dec 2021.

CREATION 2021 - A Good Design for a Good Cause

Undergraduate Michela Vieri found her wings at NUS, where she is empowered to let her imagination take flight with a winning design for the 2022 Commencement Class Giving campaign.

Boosting Sustainability Research at NUS

With generous support from Temasek, NUS will further its work on hydrogen technologies and blue carbon ecosystems.

NUS Giving Report 2020/2021 – Heritage Through Generations

Themed 'Heritage Through Generations', the NUS Giving Report 2020/2021 features stories of our donors’ generous support and the difference they have made to the NUS community and beyond.

Sweet Treat for NUS Donors: Chocolate Appreciation Workshop

The NUS Development Office organised a special virtual Chocolate Appreciation workshop to thank Annual Giving donors.

Celebrating Musical Impact

The Goh Soon Tioe Leadership Award celebrates the 110th birth anniversary of Mr Goh Soon Tioe and enables students to further their musical growth.

NUS Donors Treated to a Terrarium Making Workshop

In appreciation of their contributions, Annual Giving donors were treated to a special virtual terrarium-making workshop.

Doing good for the community

NUS Law students show commitment and creativity to help vulnerable communities in Singapore who were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

NUS Giving Run BIG 2021: A virtual run to recognise everyday heroes

Using the Law to Do Good

NUS Law alumnus and Scholarship recipient Joseph Lum pays it forward by volunteering to help others seek access to justice.

Enabling Transformative Impact

The Collectve Advisors’ Bursary is a “trampoline” for NUS students to bounce to greater heights.

Powering Inclusivity

Tech titan, Atos, supports student-led community service programmes at NUS Medicine.

Say Aloe to Home Gardening

Leading horticulturist Dr Wilson Wong shared how to grow your own food at a virtual talk at the the Kent Ridge Alumni Family Day 2021.


Keep up with what’s going on around campus. Every day brings new possibilities to discover, experience and learn what makes us unique. Here are some of the upcoming events to promote leadership in philanthropy and raise awareness of this impact happening across NUS and the community.