IHG Journey

Our Journey Towards IHG Champions

Sports would always be ranked high amongst the passions of Eusoff and Eusoffians, and many would remember a time when Eusoff was widely known amongst the Halls of Residences in NUS as the ‘sports’ hall due to its strong emphasis on sporting excellence and participation which had carried over from the days of Eusoff College.  It was a reputation which was undoubtedly strengthened by Eusoff’s unprecedented win of seven straight Inter-Hall Games (IHG) titles from AY1997/1998 to AY2013/2014.  Although the winning streak was interrupted for two years subsequently, Eusoff fought unscathed to regain its former position of prominence and clinched the much-coveted title of IHG Champion from AY2016/17 to AY2019/2020.


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Each year, Eusoffians kickstart the first wave of sports fever during the Inter-Block Games (IBG) which are held in August with the exceptional for this AY.  Due to the current health pandemic this year, IBG would take place in Semester 2.  Over the course of a week, Blocks are decked out in their respective colours in a huge show of support as their star sportspersons battle it out in various sports, in a bid to capture the title of Champion Block. IBG also serves as a warm-up to the heart-stopping excitement of IHG where spirit of camaraderie and fellowship would be at its highest within Eusoff’s walls for both sportsmen and women and supporters alike. During IHG season, a sea of yellow and black which is Eusoff’s trademark colours shower the strongly-bonded hall environment as Eusoff sportsmen and sportswomen work hard for yet another gold medal that lingers close within reach.  Through the grit of pain and determination, Eusoff continues to push the limits of sports excellence and this legacy will be carried upon by future generations of Eusoffians.  

Your gift help Eusoff to support the brightest and deserving students in fulfilling their potentials, whatever their circumstances and regardless of their background or financial need.  In addition, your immense generosity is enabling us to offer financial support and bursaries to more students than ever before.


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