EHDP Charity

Eusoff Hall Dance Production Charity Event 2021

Eusoff Hall is one of the Halls of Residence in the National University of Singapore which has long been reputed as a force to be reckoned with in the dance arena. We have always endeavoured to support a vibrant and creative culture on campus through our various public contributions to the arts scene, the Dance Production being the premier event.  

In 1998, Eusoff Hall dancers clinched a double victory in the national inter-tertiary dance competitions of “Funkamania” and “Zaam”. With the confidence and experience, Eusoff Hall residents staged a public dance performance “Emotif” which showcased our original and captivating dances at the Far East Square in 1999. In fact, public performances were not new to Eusoff Hall’s cultural scene.  In the early years, our public performances were called Annual Public Concerts. It started with a Public Concert in 1991 where a group of enthusiastic residents of the Hall staged a dance-drama of a primeval Japanese myth entitled “KOJIKI” at the Kallang Theatre. That was the first time that any NUS cultural group has ever staged a cultural production at the Kallang Theatre. It was a bold move for a relatively young Eusoff Hall then, but the venture was a great success. The response from the public was overwhelming. The production was an outstanding achievement for an amateur group and was widely reported in the press.  Inspired by the success and achievement, more Eusoff Hall Public Concerts were staged in subsequent years including “Shadows of Kul” at the Kallang Theatre in 1992, with the then President Wee Kim Wee and Mrs Wee as Guests-of-Honour.

Ever since its inception, the Eusoff Hall Dance Production has moved from strength to strength. Owing to the success of their early public performances, the Dance Production was able to grow in number and skill and has staged full-length productions in the past years. The Dance Production is and has been managed entirely by Eusoff Hall residents (students of NUS). Together they put up the whole production which is made up of the administration, sets and crew, wardrobe designers, dancers, choreographers, directors etc. Each performance is typically performed to a sold-out crowd of over a thousand people and regularly receives excellent feedback and reviews from audience and guests alike. 

Educational Value and Learning Objectives of Staging Dance Production 

Whilst striving to achieve cultural heights, Eusoff Hall is also mindful of those less fortunate and is committed to using the arts as a medium to aid the less fortunate members of our society.  Each year Eusoff Hall has been donating net proceeds from the production to selected beneficiaries such as Assisi Home and Hospice, Epilepsy Care Group, Down’s Syndrome Association, Singapore, The MILK Fund, Children’s Cancer Foundation, The Riding for the Disabled Association of Singapore (“RDA”) and Eusoff Endowed Bursary Fund. 

Eusoff Hall’s residents not only get a chance to specialize in their fields of expertise, for example dancing, acting or designing, but they also gain an opportunity to learn how to work together in reaching their goal of putting up a good performance. Besides teamwork, residents are encouraged to make use of their creativity and their leadership qualities to make the production an outstanding success.  Eusoff Hall’s residents are also taught to actively contribute to the welfare of the less fortunate in society by raising funds and donating net proceeds to charity. Very often as a result of working intensely for months to mount this production, students of Eusoff Hall have forged lasting bonds. Alumni of the Hall and previous members of the Production team frequently return to provide advice and support to the current team.

Eusoff Endowed Bursary

We recognised that all matriculated students of NUS irrespective of their family’s financial position should be given an equal opportunity to receive the holistic education that Halls of Residence provide them. Eusoff Hall is strongly committed to creating a healthy environment, which provides equal opportunities for all students regardless of their financial background. The fund was set up to help a growing number of Eusoff residents facing some form of financial difficulty to help meet their hall fees. The impetus to establish the Eusoff Bursary comes from the need to alleviate the financial burden of these affected students and at the same time recognize their sterling contributions to the University and to society in general. 

A total of $64,846.00 has been disbursed to deserving Eusoffians this year that enable them to continue to benefit from the value-added experiential learning programs offered in Eusoff Hall. With the upward trend of more Eusoffians applying for the financial aid each year, Eusoff Hall will continue to raise fund to build up the Eusoff Endowed Bursary which will provide the Hall with a perpetual source of funding to disburse financial assistance to deserving current and future Eusoffians.  
Please continue to support our latest fundraising initiative – EHDP Charity Event 2021 in aid of the Eusoff Endowed Bursary.  Thank you.

EHDP 2022
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